Ookiku Furikabutte – 32

Team building. I like how this series uses the quiet moments in between the matches in order to do this, rather than scheduling in a random episodic adventure somewhere. A lot of stuff happened in this episode, and it immediately started with the message that the opposing team that the lead characters faced in the previous arc isn’t done yet.

In this episode it also becomes more than clear that Abe and Tajima are taking turns in dealing with Mihashi. There’s actually a tiny bit of development here: Abe is getting more and more relentless with Mihashi, so much that even the teammates are really noticing how much on Mihashi’s lip he’s sitting. His reaction after Mihashi suddenly asked whether or not he’s going to stop catching was the most over the top we’ve seen of him so far. There’s a bit of a danger here with the creators going over the top with that, however. Like, the creators using a gimmick that worked well in the first season to extremes in the second.

Oh, and we learn a bit more about the coach: she’s a 23-year old college student. It’s still a bit of a mystery how she became the coach, but there are more characters like that who have yet to reveal their backgrounds despite very obvious hints (I’m looking at you, Hamada). This episode also introduces… fangirls. The fandom was always a bit downplayed in this series: even though it was mentioned a few times, you can really see that the creators were focusing on what happened on the field. At this point those girls are still a bit too one-sided at this point.
Rating: * (Good)

4 thoughts on “Ookiku Furikabutte – 32

  1. Abe’s scream was really over the top. Seems more like a personality problem than a comic relief.
    In a previous episode, Hanai’s mom was saying that Momokan went to a nursing school. I think only Bijou Sayama coaches are college students.

  2. “His reaction after Mihashi suddenly asked whether or not he’s going to stop catching was the most over the top we’ve seen of him so far. There’s a bit of a danger here with the creators going over the top with that, however. Like, the creators using a gimmick that worked well in the first season to extremes in the second. ”

    This isn’t so much a gimmick as it is a quirk of Abe’s personality, it may seem over the top but Abe’s always been loud without him realizing it as he sucks in communication (he’s generally bland the way he speaks, and lets face it I don’t hear any topics he speaks about outside of baseball). No different from Mihashi’s constant stutterings. I don’t think A1 is playing on them as a gimmick but I think what they may not have noticed is how different reading is from listening, they’re quite faithful to material down to the quirks. So I think modulation wasn’t necessarily taken into account.

  3. Yeah, Abe is pretty terrible at talking/communicating/anything social outside of baseball, and his yelling is just showcasing that. Like Oki said in the second episode, he doesn’t realize when he’s being loud, plus he’s got a really short temper to boot. In a way he’s just as bad as Mihashi, but on the other side of the spectrum. (Loud, and a bit abrasive as opposed to Mihashi being soft-spoken and insecure). They make quite the odd couple, don’t they? XD

    I also love how Abe becomes more and more of a creeper each episode. His evil chuckle when they were on the train was so amazing.

  4. AbeXMihashi is the awesome couple as always.(some fangirl mode in my inner side screammmm hahahaha+ Oh stop.)

    I totally agree that Abe sucks at communicate other things outside baseball topics.And with his evil face and the way that he always speak loud or short temper habit.It didn’t strange at all to see Mihashi and other people still a bit scared at him.

    I wonder he maybe learn to improve himself a bit from the way that lately Mihashi more and more closed with Tajima.But the way that he is now. Looking at positive side It is one of the most entertaining thing in this series too.right?

    And about Mihashi development in this ep.I sense something bad will happened to Abe.It’s like the thing that Mihashi’s thought now is.”If I didn’t have you.(Abe) I will…” And the conversation from bijou team.I don’t know…..But..

    Hmm..Look at side character.I want to know about Momo-kan and Hamada the most like you! They leaves many interesting hints here. It make me want to know about them more!

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