One Punch Man S2 – 9 [The Ultimate Dilemma]

Sigh, it was nice having a free week of no OPM. No disappointment, not falling opinion of an acclaimed manga series. Just free time and no post I had to write. Now we are back though, and JC Staff has once again screwed it up. So join me as this week we talk music.

For me, the biggest issue with this week was the choice of music. Simply put, OPM S2 not only doesn’t have any good original tracks, but it reuses the same ones to much. For example, the “emotional” music of this episode was used a ludicrous amount. Being thrown over every scene they could. One or two of these is fine, its a fine piece of music. But when played over and over and over, it loses all power. And that’s not even mentioning if the scene even fits the music in the first place. Really, the sound design has been horrible across the entire series. From punches, to VA work and now to music, the general quality of the sounds in OPM are simply disappointing.

Sadly, I am going to have to cut this one short here though. While there isn’t much to say beyond this, I feel bad for leaving such a short post. But I seem to have come down with something, and its making even writing coherent sentences now difficult. Hopefully it clears up tomorrow, and I can get Lain written up for you. Until then though, suffice to say, OPM S2 is still a dumpster fire and if your actually still watching it, I pity you. Its not worth your time and I promise you, its not going to get a good score here.

So, my shame at writing virtually nothing aside, I will see you next week!

2 thoughts on “One Punch Man S2 – 9 [The Ultimate Dilemma]

  1. Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. The unabating sappy theme playing through every possible comedic beat, wow, it really hit me in this episode.

    That and the Yugi-oh level of crap stills and Pac-Man jaw movement.

    That and the frame-to-frame mutation of characters’ heads.

    That and Saitama’s completely flat delivery.

    That and the general feeling that there is no one actually driving this dump truck.

    I wanted to one punch myself in the nuts after watching this, just to see if I could actually still feel something.

  2. Hope you will be pleasantly surprised by S2-10. The animation seems to have significantly improved. The pacing seems to be different too. Maybe they left all their budget for the last few episodes?

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