0 thoughts on “Oh god…

  1. I like photobucket, you can even put thumbnails up as screenshots so the pictures can be clicked, for larger images.
    Webshots, when I used it a long while ago, seemed to work well. You can use Snipshot to edit the screenshot if you want and then upload it to your webshot album immediately.

  2. Ok, thanks. I’ve used Photobucket in the past as well, until I discovered that it has a monthly bandwidth-limit, which I broke a tad too easily about a year ago, though I’ll look into Webshots, it sounds promising.

  3. I suggest imageshack.us, as they have no monthly bandwidth caps or anything like that. It doesn’t have any neat mass editing & renaming features, but you should be using Irfanview for that anyway. They don’t delete images unless they haven’t been accessed for a year, so that shouldn’t be an issue.

  4. psgels, what was the photobucket bandwidth limit when you were using it? It’s up to 25GB per month now for a free account, which surely ought to be enough.

  5. I like picasaweb, it ties to your gmail account, and you can upload using picasa right from your desktop.

  6. Karura: believe it or not, but I think you could actually be wrong. I’ve used photobucket for about three months, about a year ago, and this month (which nine days so far) they’ve already gobbled up 3,7GB. I’m surprised by it too, but 25GB just is too little with the amount of visitors I’m getting.
    Psiclopz: I’ve tried out picasaweb and I like it so far.
    Test, can everyone see this:

  7. I suggest, just like Kabitzin, to find a reliable remote FTP. In order to manage the contents of this ftp, you could additionally install some open source gallery software. It would automatize the uploading/sharing process, etc. All for your convenience.
    For the soft, try looking in http://sourceforge.net/

  8. Ah, thank goodness putfile has come back online, though thanks for all the suggestions. I like Kabitzin and Eonir’s suggestions, and I’m probably going to move my image hosting to some kind of free host in the future.

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  10. Psgels, the really nice thing about choosing a webhost, even if it’s free, is that it will make any future moves much easier. The filenames will be the same so if you ever move again, you can just run a find and replace query on your posts to change all the old links to the new links (I think services like imageshack just give you some random url for your pics).
    Example: find “http://www.oldlink.com/” and replace with “http://www.newlink.com/” would update all your posts with one simple query, since rest of the link structure would remain the same.

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