Noein – 14

Why… oh why, do some guys have to look so much like women!?!

Those who’ve been reading my blog and paid close attention during this episode will know what I’m talking about. *feels ashamed*

Anyway, what we have here, is another great episode. We finally get to see what Haruka’s father looks like, at least, in his younger years. We also get some backstory of Haruka’s parents, we get to see a bit of character development from Yuu, and Haruka looked too cute when she was eight.

Anyway, the cliffhanger was again an awesome one. We finally get a bit more information about the grown-up Haruka, and it just makes me even hungrier for more. We also see for 0,3 seconds what the new enemies will be like. It promises to become really interesting.

And also, the old telephone, it was a brilliant idea. I like it.

0 thoughts on “Noein – 14

  1. Tobi, right? I just found out! I’m like, “What the HUH??? It’s so confusing, because in the dub, (I watch it on Sci-Fi Channel) it’s clearly a female voice actor, but now that I think about it, I don’t know if they ever mention Tobi’s gender. Ah, my aching brain!

    Anyway, sorry for the more-than-a-year-after-the-fact post, but I had to share the revelation! 😛

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