Nijuu Mensou no Musume – 05

I do wish that the creators would show more of Chiko, improving her 1337-skills. Walking on a tight rope isn’t something you just learn overnight, and while I can understand that it’s perfectly possible for Chiko to learn this within a year, I’d much rather see her gradually mastering this skill, instead of vaguely hinting at this in the ED and assuming that the viewers will assume that she has been practicing a lot in the gaps between the episodes. I’m not asking for Dragon Ball Z-length training arcs (that would be pretty bad, actually), but right now this is the big (but also the only) weakness of this series.

Having said that, this series is really picking up steam now, though it does so very subtly. This episode finally introduces a pair of enemies that actually have the potential to cause Nijuu Mensou and Chiko some serious trouble, as they demonstrate by poking Ken’s eye out. That’s a twist I totally didn’t see coming at this stage of the series.

In this episode, Nijuu Mensou attempts to steal a large strange statue, under the cover of a circus troupe. He really demonstrates again how he’s an attention-whore, because he tries to create an as big spectacle as possible whenever he appears. In that way, he’s really different from Chiko, who’s a much more straightforward person.

9 thoughts on “Nijuu Mensou no Musume – 05

  1. Well, they do show her improvement on episode 4, where each member of Ninjuu Mensou crew tells us that they are helping in her training. So I guess is plausible to assume that we will be assuming that. ^^;

    And the original Ninjuu Mensou was a attention whore as he steal in a flashy way in front of the victim eye. Sure He do this to help others, as a modern Robin Hood, but also for his own ego. Ninjuu Mensou is a egomaniac and that why he is so popular. Anyway, a normal thief is boring, don’t?

    WEll, in my opinion there is no need to a vaguely “Dragonball” training here, but as a beginner thief, I hope that Chiko fail and be rescued by her comrades, until she really become the daughter of the Ninjuu Mensou.

  2. Tora don’t look very imposing. I he ends upp killing nijuu mensou and we get chiko running after him to get revenge, i’ll be sorly disappointed.

    He just looks like a pushover to me. :/

    How Anji “snapped” at the end of the episode was kind of a WTF moment for me. She’s know Chiko for two whole days, she got tricked, but that reaction still seems a bit over the top.

  3. You should wait for the sub before you blog, since most of your summaries have inaccuracies. When I read your blog, and then go watch the sub, it’s like watching 2 different episodes.

  4. bah i feel sorry for the museum girl. chiko pretty much betrayed her trust in the pretense of being friends.

    bah what a bitch!!!! the museum girls friendship and trust!!! #1 most despicable thing a person can ever do…. hope she goes all emo and track chiiko down and axes her and the rest of the troope…bah..

  5. There’s something weird about the girl at the museum. The final scene portrays a wicked smile. Sure she wasn’t the security guy’s daughter. She deceived Chiko for some reason!

  6. Yes… I hate that museusume girl!!!!

    She and her gang fricking killed everybody in the next epi!!!!!

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