Excellent, Chico is already growing up, and this episode skips ahead one year. This episode did well in just being believable enough. While it’s a bit hard to believe that in just one year, Chico would turn from a fragile girl who always stayed in bed into a master knife-thrower and how she has no problems with holding onto a rope for so long, the creators did handle her fighting-abilities very nicely. One year of intense practice should be just enough to learn how to execute a basic judo-throw, and a kick in the groin by a cute girl should always be enough to throw an unsuspecting guy off-guard. Although I do admit that it’s a bit hard to believe that a fully grown and trained man would get knocked out just from falling down a bunch of stairs.
I do wish that the creators showed Chico practicing her lock-picking skills a bit. That rather came from out of nowhere, when Chico was in the elevator and suddenly disconnected the suitcase that was attached to one of the policemen by a pair of handcuffs like it was nothing.
One thing that’s interesting to note is how Chico may be a child genius with all the intention to be better, she does lack experience. Right now, she’s moving forward and forward, though this has to end somewhere. She has a lot of book-wisdom, but there will be a point where her confidence will shoot her in the foot. I guess that when Nijuu Mensou disappears, it’ll have a pretty interesting effect on everyone, and I commend this series’ ability to build up for this.
I was surprised when the end came, things went by so quickly and enjoyably. Yes, we could have had a bit more preparation for Chiko’s l33t skills, but the knife, the climb, the safe, and the two throws were reasonable symbols. As with previous episodes, everything was “just believable enough.” Hirano Aya’s delivery of the lines, “No, not eleven. I’m twelve today,” was very strong, and perfectly matched the excellent exression on Chiko’s face. And Touma Yumi is voicing her aunt brilliantly — and creepily.
You also have to remember that she were poisoned during the time she where bed-ridden.
ive fallen in love qwith this anime and wow its just great. i lvoe the 1yaetr skip dam shes so 1337
>One thing that’s interesting to note is how Chico may be a child genius with all the intention to be better, she does lack experience
uhm i don’t like these *genius thingies*. It’s just too deue-ex-machinesque for may taste…
The problem in this serie is they invent plot devices from hard to believe to otrageus teathrical. I found myself saying wtf to my self in many occasion.
Expecially this 11 yo brat that uncovers plans with poison, kidnaping and becomes a master knife holder in one episode is a little too much…
No, Chiko is going to have to learn on her own pretty soon. I have a feeling that Ojiisan (20 Faces) will croak, or that he might be something bad. Regardless there could be a seperation here. Plus, I wonder if she really is his daughter, mentioned in the resembelances in ep 4.
I also wouldn’t be suprised if bones threw in some strange esper-chiko crap. Just watch:
“Chiko the all powerful, theif, detective, Keliedo Star.” OR :
Lemony Smikets- Tales of – oh crap….I guess that means that 20 faces is going to be murdered by the aunt
I also want to add that this thievery scheme can only go on for a while longer. I mean comeon, you have thieves that know everything, the plan and take it. I’m prety sure that just like the ED, chiko will become a detective to try and stop swines before they commit atrocities, and set an example to the dogs that follow them.
By the way, I’ve never had Bones let me down, and I doubt that this will be my first.
To prove my point from the prior post, Bones only does sci-fi/supernatural series. (Besides Nana, Ouran Host Club ((Completely different types of series))