Night Head Genesis – 04 – Ark?

The first half of the episode was not very special. It just featured a very long recap of the previous episode, and basically the same thing in the next-episode preview of the previous episode. Naoya still wasn’t doing well, though it wasn’t as disturbing as in the previous episode. He sees the future of the girl, and Shouko explains that he’s having visions of the future. Then, at the beginning of the second half of the episode, we basically see the same vision Naoya had, though this time, in real-tie. Naota and Naoya meanwhile rush to the hotel, in order to save them.

That doesn’t mean, however, that the end of the episode wasn’t awesome. The victim gets dropped off a billboard at a high building, though Naota manages to save her with his power. That’s another thing he can do, apart from destroying things. This takes a huge toll of his brains, though. By seeing this, the woman gets more paranoid by the minute. She’s defeating “them”, though they keep coming back. Then she realizes that both Naota and Naoya aren’t one of “them”. Upon realizing this, her body relaxes. As she stands on a billboard, it makes her lose her balance, and she falls. Naota tries to save her, but he actually fails. She then falls, and dies.

Jiro breaks by seeing this. He claims that she was always running. She was always running from a certain “Ark”, but they kept coming after her. Naoya meanwhile is incredibly happy that the girl managed to get saved. Guards arrive, and the two brothers flee. Back in their car, Naoya is still happy. Naota, meanwhile wonders what “Ark” might be.

Shouko also still remains shrouded in mysteries. Especially her reasons for acting the way she does. What’s her original mission? Did she help Naoya because she conveniently found out that Naoya was tracking a couple of mass-murderers and wanted to safe the final girl as well, or did she plan for this to happen from the beginning?

In the end, Jiro’s reaction after seeing Reiko die was awesome. He’s always been a shy, uncertain guy. Now that his raison d’être is gone, I wonder what he’ll be doing afterwards. The fact that we also saw Reiko fall, and hit the ground was quite shocking as well. Most times when such a thing happens, you don’t see the character hitting the ground. All you see is some kind of high place, along with a big sound. Seeing a character actually hit the ground really proved to be a pleasant surprise.

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