Natsume Yuujin-Chou – 20

Short Synopsis: Natsume loses something as he and Taki try to get rid of the evil youkai.
Episode Rating: 7,5/10 (Good)
Ah, another adorable episode. It’s a good thing that Taki seems to be a recurring character, because there’s still so much potential left in her even though her story already took up two episodes. I’m especially hoping for a bit more romance (which really doesn’t happen often). It’s going to be interesting how she’s planning to make up for the time she lost, and spent without any friends whatsoever.

I was surprised when it turned out that the youkai had no intention to keep its promises. You don’t usually see that: most of them act very much according to a pattern, and promises are usually very important to them, but I guess that the malicious ones are different from that.

Now that the first half of the second season is over, I do have to say that I still like the series, but it does seem to be missing something when compared to the first season. I just can’t exactly put my finger onto what that is. Of course, the Tama-chapters and some others were awesome, but I don’t know… I just can’t call the second season on the same level of goodness as the first season…

10 thoughts on “Natsume Yuujin-Chou – 20

  1. I see a few people saying the same thing about the 2nd season, but I don’t know I like it just as much. Of course there are always episodes that aren’t as good but that was true for the 1st season as well.

    I actually thought this two parter was one of the best stories (also counting the stories from the 1st season). Out of the 2nd season I also loved the one with Tama.

  2. I agree. But there’s still more in the show left for us to see so.. your opinion may change in latter episodes.

    My favorite story still remains the first one with Kogitsune in the first season. The hug between Natsume and the fox was epic and brought me to tears. x3

  3. i also liked this story.
    this showed that the youkais are now something important to natsume and not just unpleasant creatures.
    the part where nyanko sensei tries out if natsume can see him in his true form was actually sad. hah.

  4. this episode was probably my favorite episode of the whole series. The story and execution were not that great but the scenes with sensei and natsume where funny, touching, and sad.

    This second season of natsume has seen vast improvement in some ways. Even though the individual story and plot has tapered off abit the relationship between natsume and everyone else especially sensei has really been great. I can barely remember the story of the episode but some scenes with sensei seemed just burned into my head.

    I feel like how natsumes realationship has gotten better with everyone works good with the overall plot of the story also. Basically Natsume is a coming out story of a guy who stayed to himself. I think that is shown perfectly in the ED where initially he is walking alone, then with sensei, then with all of the important characters in the story.

    I would be curious what you guys think about that

  5. I’d say its more of novelty that gives season 1 an edge, considering that the chapters in general so far do seem to be some type of variation though they do manage to add some twist. And seeing as this show doesn’t really try to add novelty, much like Sayonara Sensei its just a continuation, I’d say its probably that.

  6. I think the reason is that you have obviously seen alot of Natsume Yuujinchou already. I’m sure if you reversed season 1 and 2, people would say the same thing.

    Basically, it’s a good story, but it doesn’t have a vast amount of life in it. Traveller shows involve going to different places and exploring different environments, shows that are stuck in the same place usually are plot-centric and driven by new characters or events.

    In Natsume Yuujinchou, nothing much changes. Developments happen very slowly, and even when new characters are introduced, they simply fade to the background and reappear now and again, they don’t create a new scenario to flow with.

    Natsume Yuujinchou is by no means bad, and it’s whole set-up was meant in a way that stays familiar, but most other anime focus on significant changes to keep them interesting.

  7. I think Denizen got the gist of the problem.
    I still hope for more character development to give more “depth” to the series!
    What happened to Reiko?
    What about Nattori and the other exorcists? How can Natsume create a true friendship with Taki and the son of the priest? (I don’t remember his name)
    There are so many possibilities that I hope the author won’t just continue with usual one- youkai-one-episode pattern…

  8. Oh, I finally watched it. I would place the episode on the more platonic side rather than romantic. I guess that was as close to an ‘action scene’ as we’ve ever gotten in this series.

    I swear they’re trying to portray Natsume as an angel with the character design and being friends with anything and everything under the sun that doesn’t try to eat other sentient beings.


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