Mushishi – 06

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Holy god. This anime really messes with the rules of common anime. Whereas there normally are a good and an evil party, or sometimes a combination of those two, but still you can bring it down to those two concepts. In Mushishi, it is very difficult to see this mark. The mushi may be causing the problems, but they are also just trying to survive. The same goes in this episode. The mushi, although considered evil in the beginning, are just misused by the humans. And although they may be causing humans to experience those things by dying every day, again and again, they do give the humans a feeling of accomplishment and happiness. Is that evil, or is it good? I also loved the way this episode ended. I’m a big fan of endings that aren’t totally happy, but still not entirely full of despair. This episode covered it perfectly. At the beginning of the episode, I did have some doubts though, but they were all washed away once the end theme started.

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