Whoa, this quite possibly was the best episode of this series yet, but it’s also by far the hardest to understand. I haven’t been so confused in an episode since the episode in Seirei no Moribito where Barsa gets her spear fixed. If this series pulls such a stunt again, I may consider switching to the subs.
Thankfully wabi sabi is following this series as well, and he managed to explain the events of this episode. Basically, the Priest’s sister entered that cabin in place of the monk, in order to fend off an ayakashi that was plaguing that sea. She did this out of love for him, while he didn’t feel anything for him. When he found out her motives, though, it continued to haunt him. Hence, the priest is the Makoto. This also probably explains why he sexually abused the monk.
The atmosphere in this episode was awesome, though. Even though I couldn’t follow this episode, I loved it.]]>
wow…your blog really makes me want to watch it now. I already downloaded the raw but thought I should wait for the sub for better understanding. I will give in for the tempting now.
Well, I must say that that was indeed a headfull, in the end.
**** DANGER: Spoilers Immediately Ahead ****
I suppose that I got the majority of the inuendo and various implications within this particular Ep. but it was the very end/reprise that was rather confusing. Wherein the “Samurai”, while holding his right eye, the same eye that the “Mononoke” apparently [occupied/emminated from] within the Elder Monk, and says “Thank you for everything”..”I will never forget you”.
But at the same time, in the background you can see the “Medicine Seller” on the stairs and the very same “Samurai” on the deck BEHEIND HIM with his back turned!!
From this I am forced to make several guess’, at this point in the [continuing ?] story.
1.the “Samurai” shown and heard at the end, the same [charachter] shown up until now, in the throws of the “Umizato’s” lingering effects.
2. Some sort of remnant/[fractional]true form of the previously “exercised” Mononoke?
3.(..wild idea born of confusion) ..actually the Elder Monks sister Oyou!? (Who went on a 50 year long murder spree [discaised as a Samurai] completely pissed off from the fact that her unrequited incestious love for her bro led her to a community backed suicidal predicament that cost her her secret life savings (..and probably her virginity) to get out of.
And was now set free [i.e. ..Thanks/I will never forget you..”]and thanking the “Umizato” for helping free her of her Mononoke powered hate spree?
4. None of the above: but instead A priviledged viewpoint [..hence the Med-Seller in the BGnd watching him/her/it!]..and relevant to the next
chapter(s), thereby making it impossible for us to (realy) understand what the HELL is going on in that scene!!
..Just a few thoughts.
I’d LOVE to hear it if someone else has an idea of what the heck that last scene was about.
I’d be VERY interested to hear what everyone else has to sy about this little “corner”.
Im glad there is a review on this anime.
Im really impressed with this arc, yet still not really understand what is actually happened.i remember that oyou(the monk’s sister),said she wishes to either to marry the monk or remain unmarried for the rest of her life. But why did the monk run from oyou right after she confessed? And why the monk afraid of oyou suddenly?