Mobile Suit Gundam 00 – 50

Short Synopsis: Ribbons and Setsuna finally face off against each other.
Episode Rating: 7/10 (Enjoyable)
Not the most impressive finale, but I’ve seen a lot worse endings this season. Obviously it was going to be overly cheesy, Setsuna and Ribbons were bound to fight to the death, and in the end Ribbons predictably dies and Setsuna somehow survives in true Disney fashion. Everyone lives happily ever after, blah blah blah, but there were some nice touches in this episode, like how the creators really wanted the show to end in a fight with Exia, rather than 00-Raiser.

I wasn’t too happy with how easily all of the conflicts in the middle east were solved. I mean, it’s not like Ribbons caused those, and the whole reunion of the middle east came really from nowhere. Also, what was that clone doing among the Azadistans? Also, what the heck was the purpose of Mister Bushido in this series? He was pretty much useless for the largest part of he series. One thing that I did like was Patrick’s wedding. That was sort-of cute.

Overall, I can’t really say that I’ve become a Gumdan-fan over the past year and a half, even though I tried. The original Mobile Suit Gundam was Excellent, but the others I’ve seen (Zeta, Wing and 00) all left things to be desired and were just too formulaic. It’s a shame, because all started out in their own way, and had an excellent and promising first half, but in their second halves they just all degrade into a string of random fights that aren’t really that much different from each other. I originally planned to patiently watch all of the gundam series out there, but in the end I’m only going to check out the rumoured really good ones: War in the Pocket, 08th MS Team and Turn A Gundam.

16 thoughts on “Mobile Suit Gundam 00 – 50

  1. I would also recommend 08th MS Team. It’s been a while since I’ve seen it, but I remember it to be one of the more realistic Gundam series. The characters are pretty memorable too.

    As for 00, based on what I’ve read, I’m not so sure I want to continue watching from where I’m stalled. (Probably will though, just for the sake of completion.)

  2. War in the Pocket is definitely good, also if you like your action and super robot shows, try G Gundam, its very different to the usual serious fare of Gundam shows.

    Who knows you may like it :P.

  3. I definitely recommend War in the Pocket and 08th MS Team. …and yeah, G Gundam is awesome, if you’re willing to forget that it’s a Gundam show and treat it as a super robot show instead.

  4. Yeah it’s the classic happy Gundam ending, which meant everyone put aside their differences as soon as the bad guy dies. Patrick and Kati’s wedding was definitely a highlight. I also found it that Marina was able to get her country back without doing A SINGLE THING! Talk about free-loading. I can’t think of a single anime character who freeloaded more than her.

  5. I agree with all you comments on Gundam shows in general they are very formulaic. But if you haven’t already i’d check out 0083: stardust memories thats the only one i really enjoyed. This 2nd series of Gundam 00 was a real let down for me! 🙁

  6. Gundam 00 is not over. The movie is coming out in 2010. It is a sequel.
    I hope it covers some of the plot elements that were left unresolved that have to do with humanity moving to space and turning into innovators.
    My impression was that the show’s last episode felt like there was more to come. The other Gundam shows like Gundam Wing had Endless Waltz as a sequel to shed more light on the pilots past and story.

  7. The last episode due to the editing allows for time to go by to explain the scenes we see. It is not a Disney ending. Aeolia’s plan lead to the concentration of power and once the corrupted head was removed the new people in charge over time started mending things.
    The change shown is implied to have taken time and not happen overtime. Mr Bushido was there as an homage to the original Gundam and also to show man’s limits and the innovator’s power. In the original Gundam you had Naturals and Newtypes. Aolia’s plan will be further covered in the movie next year. Setsuna as an Innovator and Bushido as a human will face again. It will cover the whole dilemma of wether innovators are better or not.

  8. Lucas: with “Disney”-ending I didn’t mean inconclusive or forced, but rather that that seemed dead turn out to be alive in the end somehow. But then again, this is Sunrise after all.

  9. you should check out g gundam. even though a lot of people may disagree with me, i think it is the best gundam anime ever, seriously!

  10. Wow quite an action packed finale and the exia vs 0 Gundam battle was the highlight of it for me, although I wish that it was like two minutes longer. As a gundam fan I would give his episode a 9 for the solid action, but speaking objectively I have to agree with psgels and give it a 7 since it does not really do much in terms of progressing the story. But at the same time I’m glad that sunrise decided to make a movie to continue the story, rather than trying to rush everything in a matter of minutes. Too bad we have to wait another year.

  11. i am happy enough with the ending, and i actually dont mind Gundam series being formulaic. you could tell this one started out trying something different but it was obvious the writers didnt really enjoy nor were they that good at going into the realities of political drama and global societies. they wrapped that part up with the A-laws and went on forward in true Gundam fashion. i wouldnt mind at all if future installments of the series can pull off doing something different and more realistic like this one tried to be, but i still liked 00 all the same. and to be fair, the Middle East problem didnt go away, it was just one country that was fixed, the rest still have their problems. as for Disney ending, i dont think many people actually thought these people were dead or would die. Patrick is never going to die. you knew they were not going to kill Setsuna at the end like that. to be fair, tell me you didnt think Lockon was going to die, i mean they pulled the whole, bleeding face/whispered voice/ sparks flying/ white fade out on the dude. the only thing missing was the pan out for the long distance explosion, which is why he is alive. can’t wait for the movie, though. you knew Jupiter was going to play a part sooner or later, i just thought it would be a tad bit sooner.

  12. Watch Turn A Gundam. Without question the best non UC Gundam that ever existed. Probably the strongest series out of any Gundam when it comes to character development, that’s why I find it so hard to enjoy any of the new Gundam series, cause they are just way too flat.

  13. i know the series im about to mention has a lot of critizism, but you should at least check it out. Gundam Seed


  15. i suggest MS Igloo, the are the complete opposite of happy Mobile suit endings…But they are good, only 6(?) episodes, but the cgi is very good, check it out.

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