Mobile Suit Gundam 00 – 46

Short Synopsis: A certain character thought to be dead returns.
Episode Rating: 7,5/10 (Good)
Seriously, I so want to hate this series, and yet this series doesn’t let me. And I so want to love this series at the same tie, and that too is something I’m unable to do with this series. There are so many good things about this series, but there are also so many bad things, and this episode again was no different.

Especially Louise got on my nerves more than ever, now that she finally has the chance to kill Nena. Especially the incredibly exaggerated screaming was just pointless. I personally believe that this series would have been a lot better if she had simply died when Nena killed her in the first season. In that case, Saji would indeed have angsted for a lot of episodes, but at least he would have gotten over it, and their relationship wouldn’t have turned into the whine-fest that it is now. In fact, I’m beginning to like Saji whenever he’s not thinking of his former lover.

But yeah, there was lots of good building up in this episode, which is always welcome. While it’s a bit strange for Wang Lui Mei and Hong Long to still be alive, and how four centuries into the future, people still haven’t invented bullets that have enough force to pass through a human body, I am glad to see that they do succeed in telling the CBs about Veda’s location.

And FINALLY, it becomes clear what Aeolia Schenberg intended to do with his plans from the beginning: turning every human into an innovator. That’s what it meant to change the world, and that’s why the GN Drives had to be constructed through such a difficult process. But here I have to wonder: what’s the point of being an innovator anyway? All I’ve seen in the past few episodes is that they have glowy eyes, weird hair and get to pilot fancy mechas. I guess the only thing is the telepathic powers of these guys, but I can’t see how Aeolia would start such an incredibly elaborate and complex plan, just to turn a bunch of people into psychics… Just imagine how people can be able to misuse these powers by intruding into others’ privacy.

Right now, my biggest problem with the second season aside from the obvious Saji and Louise is that it’s a story that could also have easily been done in thirteen episodes. There was no need to drag this on for this many episodes, unless the creators were very consciously building up for something in the end. The finale of this series can really make or break it for me. With such a large amount of build-up, the finale really needs to give this series a solid and satisfying conclusion. If it can do that, then my opinion about this series will very likely become much higher.

16 thoughts on “Mobile Suit Gundam 00 – 46

  1. If the translation of “for the coming dialogue” is correct, then the only thing that makes sense is that in a couple of episodes, some telepathic alien race is gonna invade the solar system or something similarly stupid in that vein will happen… you gotta laugh at all the people on the interwebs going “zomg Setsuna is turning into a newtype/innovator now”, like it wasn’t hinted at in nearly every episode for the last one or two months.

    Come to think of it, nothing much happened during the last eight episodes, apart from that. This week feels like the first time there is some development this year.

  2. Hehe Gundam 00 is actually setting itself up for Super Robot Wars,or is it actually the prequel to Ghost in the Shell?The autobots seems to be the prototype version of the Tachikomas…

    Jokes aside,I thought the screaming was annoying too,and Aeolia’s plan is don’t know the word to describe it but if his plan is to turn everyone into Innovators,it seems so small for all the destruction his plan have brought forth..

  3. Aeolia’s plan isn’t trivial. If Aeolia’s plan succeeds, then we don’t need phone companies any more, thus millions of citizens will by liberated from the tyranny of the giant telcos. All hail Aeolia!!!

    On the other hand, why Aeolia had to start a war to carry out his goal is a whole other story.

  4. If everyone becomes an innovator, then everyone will be able to feel each others thoughts and feelings. Wouldn’t this mean everyone would understand each other and there would be no conflicts?

  5. Why would anyone think that conflict stems merely from misunderstanding? Aeolia must have spent so much time on preparing his machinations for forced psychic nudity that he didn’t have any remaining seconds with which to rip apart his flimsy premises. Hentai.

  6. Conflicts stem partly from misunderstanding. I’m not saying its the only cause, but it sure is a factor. Our poor communication skills allow our thoughts to be misinterpreted and we then send the wrong message to the opposing side, creating tension and conflict. If our thoughts were synced then this wouldn’t happen.

  7. When everyone’s Innovators it’s good that people will know that Prince Ali is going to fuck them up because he is that damn good and just wants to.

  8. I remember hearing Ribbons say that Innovators have longer lifespan and also that they’re more suited for life in space.
    I’ve been enjoying this season exponentially as it went on. You may have called it dragging, but I call it epic.
    I hope they don’t ruin it with a cheesy ending. My biggest fear is Marina’s song bringing world peace.

  9. Unfortunately this only works in the Gundam world. In the real world, solving misunderstandings won’t do squat for most conflicts – problems of differing religions, limited land and resources won’t magically go away. But it seems even Aolia wasn’t that naive – eradication of war was not his real goal after all.

  10. oh psgels come on. dislike lousie as well but in this episode she wasn;t that bad.. Her reaction was very natural and I really liked it ^^

  11. Interesting episode, For some reason i never thought of Louise being the one to kill Nena but its actually very fitting. The only problem I have with this episode is that it looks like Marina is going to try to stop the conflict with her songs. Now I never really had a problem with Marina singing in the first place, but trying to stop a war with it is ridiculous and some what cheesy. In SEED Lacus sang a lot but at least she knew that fighting was the only way to end the conflict and even Macross never ended a final conflict with just songs. Apart from that the only other problem I have is that we need more background on Aeolia’s original plan as well as Ribbon’s and Regene’s. Well, the final arc is coming up and I hope the staff can pull off a good one.

  12. This episode reassured me that the team behind Gundam is still putting thought into the plot. A lot happened and none of it felt forced for the first time in a couple episodes. I mean, Hong Long’s death was pretty gritty and they weren’t afraid to actually shoot someone in the head for once. You have no idea how happy that made me, after seeing all these dramatized gunshots that either don’t hit, or hit someone in the shoulder instead.

  13. Since when has all this cheesy singing started in gundam. I’ve seen 0083, zeta, 8th ms team and gundam wing and they never had whiney b*tch*s trying to save the world with annoying songs.

  14. @ Nappa, she didnt try to save the world with her song. It was not her intention. She just put the tought of the childrens and make a song out of it. With time, it created a snowball effect because people who got tired of war love that song.

  15. Oh no Marina’s song will hypnotize the human race under her control. Even relena didn’t save the world by singing. Marina=lacus+relena. I like this series but please, no Madonna, nor Michael Jackson can save the world with songs.

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