Mobile Suit Gundam 00 – 44

Short Synopsis: Blah blah, Saji Louise, blah blah blah…
Episode Rating: 6/10 (Disappointing)
Oh, and I so hoped that this series’ finale wouldn’t go into this direction. This episode was just one big bad sign. It just consisted out of a bunch of people screaming and going emo, and in the end most of the parties simply ended up retreating without still not saving anything. I really hoped that the finale would be more like Gundam Wing, rather than Zeta Gundam, but right now all the signs are pointing to the fact that the creators are going for an emo-ending, rather than a political one.

Saji and Louise obviously were annoying yet again. This episode was supposed to be one of their big climaxes, and with the huge build-up they already had it still failed to capture me. Afterwards, Saji yelling of “Stop! Revenge isn’t going to solve anything!!!1!!” also felt so out of place in this series. I can only hope that Soma Pieres somehow listened to the guy.

And the ending of this episode only increased my fears. Wang Lui Ming had a great plan: give Veda’s location to the Celestial Beings. This would be something that completely shifted Ribbons’ plans and finally give the guy a bit of a challenge. But all of this was ruined when Nena went emo and killed her and her brother. Ribbons in the meantime still is the evil overlord he was twenty episodes ago, and Anew’s “big twist” was just shallow at best. One big problem with these innovators as well is that they’re hardly fleshed out. I mean, what do we really know about these people, other than that they’ve strange haircuts and weird names?

Oh god, I so hope that my fears are wrong with this. This series went on such a good path for it to be ruined by such a crappy finale. My only hope is the revelation of Aeolia Shenberg’s ultimate motives. It’d better be something really good and innovative.

19 thoughts on “Mobile Suit Gundam 00 – 44

  1. What I really couldn’t stand was that Saji and Louise’s big meet-up basically consisted of 85% namecalling, 10% staring at each other, and 5% actually trying to talk about things.

    Hallelujah’s three-second appearance was amazingly disappointing, ughhhhhh. I do hope that Soma gets off her revenge-horse though; that particular motive has been used way too many times in this series already, and I really can’t care about it anymore.

    I agree that the Innovators are pretty flat. Not knowing any of their motivations kind of pushes them towards that though. Lui Ming getting killed was also pretty lame considering she hasn’t done shit all season; the same could pretty much be said of Nena and Graham. They’re just there. (And whatever happened to Ali while we’re at it? Do I care anymore?)

    Sigh. The sad part is that even with all the relationship emo filler the last few episodes have been concentrating on, there still hasn’t been anything substantial since they’re bouncing back and forth between three or four couples. :\

  2. omg i didn’t like this ep alot.
    Cmon sunrise show us something different killing main characters isn’t new anymore…
    And yea Saiji x Lousie wasn’t remarkable at all. When studio suxz in romances that’s what u get.

  3. Not that i really have a preference , but i think your guess about how it is going to end is right .

    This Gundam certainly resembles Zeta more than Wing . Wing was the Heero show . Sure there were other characters , but he was by far the main focus . 00 and Zeta are more of ensemble Gundams . Setsuna is the main character , but he doesn’t get the majority of the screen time , similar to Kamille of Zeta .

  4. The Saji x Louise scene was boring. I’m hoping that Wang is still alive. It’s not that I don’t want her to die, but she should die after she hands Veda’s location to CB.

  5. this wasnt a bad episode. the Saji x Louise scene wasnt boring, but it went on longer than it had to. all it really did was reinforce the notion that Louise cant kill Saji, and that Saji has the determination to bring her back at all costs (ie, he is growing a backbone). as for Wang, yeah i doubt she is dead, more than likely she delivers the note before she dies, whenever you see someone jump on top of someone to shield them, that usually means there is more to be shown. and yeah, i doubt we will be getting a political ending, just a quick epilogue maybe, i dont hate where the show is going, but i would have hoped for something different.

  6. I actually thought that the whole Saji x Louise was handled well, and as far as emo goes this episode keeps it to a bare minimum especially compared to the episode where Saji and Louise met after the 00 went trans-am. As far as the ending goes I say that it will be more of a non-political ending unless the show starts to explore Aeolia’s original plan and what was intended from the beginning. Overall I still think the series is on the right track, but I hope that they’ll focus a bit more on the main plot in the remaining episodes to come.

  7. I thought this episode was pretty good actually and deserves more credit then you gave it. Just because you don’t like Saji and Louise and the episode focused partly on them means the episode was bad. I thought the scenes were nicely done even though I don’t like them. We will most likely get the back story on the Innovators next episode when they interrogate Revive. I’m pretty sure Celestial Being will end up finding Veda one way or another. I wonder if Lyle is going to be able to kill Anew in the next episode.

  8. You can only hope and pray that they are reading the fan forums in Japan and the people posting ‘bloody murder’ there get their attention so we have a better-than-usual Gundam ending. ^_^;

  9. I agree that the Saji x Louise scene was done well but the Saji scene after that was plain annoying..But the Nena scene wasn’t “emo” at all,it was more maniac like.And about the Innovator,I think that everybody except Regene have the same motive.They weren’t suppose to have individual motives,they’re just Ribbons’ underlings..

  10. I rather like emotional ending, don’t like very much political ones and I thing it was time to let aside the big political conflict and rather center on the characters, to make it interesting political conflicts are not enough, there a need to conciliate the two of them ( like in Code geass)! They succeded in doing so in this second season!

  11. I actually thought the episode was pretty good. The ending was one of the most surprising things to happen so far in the series and I thought Louise Saji’s scene was done well. Im very hopeful that the last part of the series will end well.

  12. It wasn’t all that bad, but perhaps I do understand the episode previous probably built up expectations to ‘something bigger’ that will move the plot one way or another.

    The ‘stalemate’ result of this episode might have disappointed those who expected more due to the previous episode.

    I’m guessing it was an ‘oops not yet’ episode more than anything, but it does make me look forward to more action now that the Arios couple is back to ‘super soldier mode’

  13. I thought they were trying too hard to emulate Zeta Gundam, which they shouldn’t have, since Zeta Gundam is pure garbage.

  14. I pretty liked this episode , well I tried to watch some other Gundam series, they looked awfully bad to me, this is the best Gundam series I’ve seen so far!!! That’s why I don’t understand the complaints it has.

  15. Windy: that’s indeed the problem I had with this episode: it reminded me too much of the worst parts of Zeta Gundam, which really ruined that series for me. But yeah, it’s the kind of direction that people are going to have all kinds of different opinions of. Mine just happens to be negative.

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