Mobile Suit Gundam 00 – 41

Short Synopsis: A-Laws launches its counterattack after last episode’s coup.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 7,5/10 (Good)
The more I watch this series, the more insignificant Gundam Wing becomes. It really was one of the first series I watched, before I discovered fansubs, so its always going to remain something special for me, but the more I watch this series, the more I’m reminded at the huge obvious flaws of this series. Take the coup for example: it was there, it came from out of nowhere and the Rockefeller Foundation vanished completely into thin air when it was done: we never saw any of is characters back. No retaliation whatsoever.

This episode however showed that A-Laws isn’t giving up so easily, and even Pang Hercule’s fraction isn’t on the good side of the moral scale either: he simply wants to get rid of A-Laws, but does reckon that sacrifices have to be made. This episode overall was a unique one for this series in the way that it didn’t focus on close combat, but instead of high-scale political warfare between the two parties. A-Laws for example sends in a squad of robots that kill civilians, and then edit the image footage of this battle, to make it look like Hercule’s forces are the bastards. And at the end of the episode, they reveal yet another Memento Mori, about to wipe out the enemy forces.

It’s going to be interesting once the Innovators start involving themselves with this political polygon, but unfortunately it seems that they’re just going to sit by and watch everyone kill each other.

4 thoughts on “Mobile Suit Gundam 00 – 41

  1. It’s clear that A-LAWS is trying to drop the elevator, but I don’t really understand why they want to do it and how they are going to get away with it. I suppose A-LAWS/Innovators want to wipe out all of their enemies at once so everybody else will just have to shut up and obey, but it’s going to be pretty hard covering up information on an event that will catch the attention of the entire world.

  2. @TJ The A-Laws will undoubtedly pin the blame on the elevator collapse on the rebels and use it as an excuse to dissolve the army.

    I really liked this episode, but I’ve always favored political drama and plot development over big action scenes and fights. Though now it kind of seems like it’s the A-Laws that keep pulling weapons/advantages out of their ass instead of Celestial Being. CB still hasn’t done anything with the GN Archer yet though, so that will probably be a tide-turning thing later on. I’m also interested in what Setsuna intends to change about himself as well (please, please, please don’t turn into Jesus-kun).

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