Mobile Suit Gundam 00 – 35

Short Synopsis: Rivonze reveals a destructive death-ray from his arsenal, the final Innovators get introduced and a certain crazy deranged returns.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 7,5/10 (Good)
Okay, just when you thought that those innovator names couldn’t get any weirder after Revive Revival. “Bring Stability”, “Anew Returner”, “Healing Care”… you’d wonder whether these guys are trying to prove a point or something. And the weird names are one thing; I actually think that they’re simple code names, but why doesn’t Rivonze have such a ridiculous name, I wonder? If they’re going to create a patter, why shouldn’t the leader be called something as Imake Anewworld, or whatever.

In any case, in order to create this new world, the Innovators have another typical Gundam staple on their hands: the incredibly huge death ray, this time nicknamed Memento Mori. It’s getting fired surprisingly early, though. Its power in the other Gundam series is that it couldn’t be used often due to the huge energy consumption, but when it was used, then things turned out baaaad. An overuse of such a huge weapon… well, Code Geass showed that to us. The whole thing loses impact. But then again, it would be bad for this series to follow too much into the footsteps of the other Gundams, and of course, firing it from one of the energy towers does explain why it can be fired quite easily, although I do want to see countries running out of energy in the next episode.

The cliff-hanger of this episode was a pretty bad one, simply because it was so incredibly obvious that Sergei is just going to survive. It’s a bit too predictable. On the other hand, I didn’t see Hallelujah’s return coming, even though that one was built up nicely by a few subtle hints. This also confirms that Soma Peries hasn’t completely left, and I wonder what’s going to happen if she ends up against Hallelujah.

Anew Returner obviously is a spy, having been sent by Wang Liu Mei, but the question still remains how exactly she’s related to the Innovators: is she like Nena, or instead a direct subordinate of Rivonze? I could have sworn seeing her somewhere with the other Innovators at one point, so I guess it’s the latter.

What the series now needs to do is make sure of the political repercussions of the Memento Mori death ray. Surely, people are going to doubt the good intentions of A-Laws when they’re firing at their own people and allies, and the resistance against these people should increase.

7 thoughts on “Mobile Suit Gundam 00 – 35

  1. “Ribbons” isn’t ridiculous enough? Though, of course, it doesn’t fit the same theme. I get your point.

    Pretty good episode, but Hallelujah’s return seems like re-opening a can of worms that was already properly emptied, at least as far as we could tell.

    I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt for now yet, to be honest, I’d rather see more time spent on the rest of the cast. Even if turns out that this can be tied back into the larger plot, which is quite possible…so it’s essentially a matter of waiting.

    I also hope that the death ray is used sparingly and with a proper set of consequences…but just for the heck of it, I’ll specify that Geass used pseudo-nukes which are a somewhat different type of weapon. They don’t have the energy demands of death rays, for one, and should be easier to mass produce. Yes, even that crazy show had some semblance of logic from time to time, IMHO.

  2. im fuxxing tired of gundamn oo so much bs in this series, Im gonna wait till then end to marathon it. . .hell I couldnt even finish the last one it got so annoying, i just looked at blogs to determine what happened…

  3. “The cliff-hanger of this episode was a pretty bad one, simply because it was so incredibly obvious that Sergei is just going to survive. It’s a bit too predictable.”

    That’s what we said about Alto in Macross *whistles*

  4. The important part of the show isn’t the cliffhangers, it’s really the character developement and the way the story is expressed.

    As much as I was half expecting Hallelujah to come back, the fact that he really is back probably means the Allelujah/Marie relationship is going to end badly.

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