Mobile Suit Gundam 00 – 32

Short Synopsis: Allelujah and Soma crash down on a remote island.
Highlights: Surprisingly quiet and focused for a Gundam 00-episode.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 7,5/10 (Good)
Ooh, surprise. At first I wasn’t too much excited about a full episode dedicated to Allelujah and Soma, but the creators did a surprisingly good job on it, and it was an episode well spent. There was no melodrama, and yet their story reached a satisfying conclusion. I was wondering how Allelujah would finally convince Souma to stop attacking him, but it turns out that she too had a split personality. The twist has been built up for well enough, so it really shouldn’t come as much of a surprise.

I also liked the reaction of the rest of the team at the discovery that Allelujah brought a girl with him, at the end of the episode. Overall, this episode was really un-typical for this series, but it worked surprisingly well.

In other news: Marina learns that Azadistan is gone now, and the next episode should probably shed some more much-needed light into Tieria’s mysterious clone. I only have one complaint for this episode: Mr. Bushido.

It’s annoying, but I can live with the strange name. I can even deal with the fact that the Japanese are treating the “Mr.”-part as his last name. I can deal with the mask. But please: why the heck do you abandon your target after it’s had a technical breakdown? Seriously, finish the guy off already. This is war, for God’s sake, not a friendly baseball competition.

11 thoughts on “Mobile Suit Gundam 00 – 32

  1. Lol, another remote island plot development ?
    Rings a bell…
    Gundam Seed…
    Code Geass…
    Last Exile…

    Nop, false alert. ^^; [/sarcasm]

    This anime is so original.

  2. Well, to be honest they never did use that remote island much. The two of them needed to crash-land somewhere and that island happened to be there at the right place at the right time, it would have worked just as well in the middle of the Andes for example. 😉

  3. The problem isn’t the setting ; it’s the context. (Last Exile was in the desert, and the same damn shit happens). Boy and girl crash, forced character development ensues, yadda yadda yadda. Shit, there are some other ways to develop characters, this feels too unnatural.

  4. 1. mr.bushido. i’m quite sure that this is a romanized form of a japanese word which means translated chivalry or knighthood.
    (æ­ŠćŁ«é“ –> ぶしどう)
    2. there was a phrase from allelujah,.. i think it was like . i dont remember well, but didnt he said that in season one to ‘daisa’, either?
    but i dont know why she nevertheless ended up being in the battlefield..

  5. argh. the phrase was deleted..
    i think it was like ‘i want souma to be happy and not live in the battlefield’

  6. I can’t believe nobody pointed out 08th MS Team with the whole Aina x Shiro scene which truly started all of this.

  7. @Ratix: That’s because very very few people watching 00 have actually seen 08th MS Team and they seem to think that Gundam Seed is the original source for some of Gundam’s oldest tropes. Notice how when you get the lists like Windspirit posted they always start with Seed and not Zeta Gundam.

    I say Zeta Gundam because it was in that series that Kamille and Four both got lost in Hong King City and fall in love before being reclaimed by their respective factions. This episode of 00 actually goes against the grain as both characters clearly go over to one specific side in the end instead of back to their own.

    Personally I don’t really give a damn how many times something has happened in a similar fashion within a franchise as long as it’s not a constant within the exact same series like was the case with Gundam Seed Destiny.

    And of course Bushido is the code and way of the Samurai and even some Japanese soldiers before the post World War II period (and in some cases after for those who hid out long after the war they didn’t know was over awaiting their next orders from command that would never come), but I mean how many people actually bother to learn that instead of just making fun of the name because it sounds quirky?

  8. Yes, the world being as it is, I heard of Gundam Seed before Zeta Gundam, and (still) didn’t have the chance to watch the latter.
    Sorry for my lack of culture.

  9. I think it was Mr. Bushido’s principle is not to battle with enemies that are at a disadvantage, such as technical difficulties. Though I admit it’s a kinda obvious excuse to keep Setsuna alive or just to keep their final battle at the end or near the end of the series, but I find it cool that he likes winning fairly. ^_^

  10. I loved this episode!!! with Maria and Allelujah meeting each other again, that was really heartwarming. That series is really well build in the new season, actually I couln’t have imagined I could actually enjoy it so much , it went from “ah, those boring fighting scenes all the time!” to “whaoh, what a great character – development and storytelling and characters’ personality’s shift!” Everything was just perfect, it kinda look a bit more like Code geass, less time for Gundams, more time for characters at least! It turns out to be a really great series!!!I’m really glad with that!

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