Short Synopsis: Chinami and Maori “try” to retrieve hacked information from the foundation.
Highlights: Outsourcing ftw.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 8/10
That was an interesting fight-scene, and it looked actually really nice. A changing animation-style can either work really well or completely flop, there’s no in-between, but it looked very nice here. Mission-E’s artwork is perfect for a bit of experimenting, and I hope to see more of it.
In any case, there was a lot of good stuff in this episode. First of all, it turns out that the woman from Osaka and Mils Brimberg were two very different persons. Mils seemed to have suffered serious brain-damage from that accident at Amazawa village, and still remains at the hospital. Well, I guess that makes sense as to why Adol wants revenge for Chinami, although I wonder where the woman from Osaka fits in all of this.
Maori running away and running into Adol was perhaps a bit forced, but I do like how Maori can use her head, and be critical of the situation. I do wonder whether the creators are going to pull a Wellber and make her go back to Chinami, or that she’s going to be eloping with Adol. It’s probably going to be the first option, but I’m secretly hoping that the creators will pick that second option.