Mirai Nikki – 25

Whoa. Mindscrew!

This episode was a lot of fun to watch, and perfect for the penultimate climactic battle. It was completely over the top, but worked really well. It’s a bit of a strange decision to go on for three weeks longer than every other show of the past season, but it really worked out. I have to praise the producers of this series for taking the time for that. It’s a shame that to fill up the lost time, we were treated to those boring skits at the end of each episode, but heck: they can be skipped. I complained about them, but in the end they are a neat trick to get rid of that nasty limitation where episodes all need to be 20 minutes long.

Also, for a minute I was fearing that the series just cheaply pushed the reset button, but the creators really did some interesting things with it, especially with how the different timelines started to intertwine. Especially Yuno stabbing her own father was a bit surreal, especially how we saw a completely different side of him now.

Then this episode also used a classic twist that a lot of penultimate episodes like to pull: the illusion where characters just live their lives without any problem. It was with a little twist, though: Yukki knew what he was going into, and what Yuno was doing, but he was slowly drawn into it.

Oh, when Murmur went berserk, things really got crazy. It also was really well animated. Probably the best animation of the entire series and Asread definitely brought in a talented animator for that scene.
Rating: **+ (Excellent+)

8 thoughts on “Mirai Nikki – 25

  1. Holy crap. I slowly lost all my expectations in terms of animation. Looking at Mirai Nikki, the animation quality dropped every episode, but the fighting scene was really really nice. I hope they don’t screw up the last episode.

    1. You’ll have to define “screw up” a little more. If you mean, you hope it closely follows the ending of the manga (which you may or may not have read) then I don’t think you have anything to worry about.

      Now if you’re talking about how satisfactory the ending will be then you’ll either love it or hate it. There will be no middle ground, believe me it’s pretty divisive. 🙂

  2. Ahh, I remember way back when you were still sceptical about pretty much everything – characters, plot-holes, Yukiteru. It’s been great watching you slowly come to understand the brilliance of this fantastic series =D

  3. Seeing all the diary users again was nice. Especially Twelfth.

    Seriously can’t wait for next week.

  4. Very good penultimate episode with a kick-ass climactic battle. We’re really curious to see how Yukkii is going to get out of the dream world Yuno made for him, and if he’ll even be able to re-muster the will to leave. Is he just playing along in there, or has he fallen under the spell of a happy perfect world? With Super-Ninth dead (again…we think), who will have the power to free him, or even know he’s in there?

  5. I know is cliched but I’m hoping the other diary holders unleash pandemonium on Yuno. I’m wondering if she could beat them all at once.

  6. Yeah, I have a feeling that all the other diary owners will come back in some battle royale.

    The animation was so slick in that fight scene. I’m wondering why they held back for so long! This series would get some major points if it had a few more. I loved Marumaru’s facial expression so much, potential avatar for me once I find a sill I like 😀

  7. wow. I’ve been dissapointed with the anime compared to the manga… until these last few episodes. Somehow they’re much, much better :)! really enjoying this.

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