It really feels like nearly every diary holder isn’t really interested in winning the game. I mean, so far most of them have been using their diaries to take care of personal grudges or helping in their personal lives or profession. This episode showed that both Twelfth and Fourth had no intentions to kill Ninth… even though she’s a fellow diary holder and helping a professional terrorist bomber escape in a game of life and death is rather… naive…
But yeah, this show is really about the suspense and paranoia. This episode helped to establish that you can’t trust anyone in this show. This is probably going to be very important for the future episodes, when we’re going to delve into more developed characters.
I also wonder what “good end” means in this series. I mean, a bad end in this series is very finite and clear: death. A good end however has a very vague definition, and it’s definitely not the end. For example, the way in which Yukiteru saw the corpses in Yuno’s room had nothing to do with Ninth getting captured. In fact, it seems that every diary seems to have something that it wants to accomplish, and when it does, it leads to the good end, even though you’d think that the only good ending in this show would have been to win the game. It’s heavily implied that for Yuno, a good end means to have sex with Yukiteru, but what about the others? And is there some reward involved? (To people who read the manga: these are rhetorical questions; please don’t answer them with spoilers of future chapters…).
Also, here is something I don’t get: this series’ time is valuable. From what I’ve heard, it only has barely enough time to stuff everything in just 26 episodes. So what is this show doing, wasting two minutes of each episode on these silly pointless skits? Over the course of 12 episodes, that amounts to a full episode’s worth of content there. I mean, for god’s sake use your time better. Take a look at Ben-To for example: there the next episode previews are short and concise, while still actually funny, rather than those obnoxious skits that put some of the cast way out of character.
Rating: ** (Excellent)]]>
Skits: two things. One is the manga storytelling isn’t great and the skits fill in characterization and side plots that make it easier to follow. Yeah could be done differently but because the skits come from omake material so using those panders to the otaku a bit more.
Two is that the skits seem to come in when the next story events can’t be started easily. The only thing they could do this episode is go slower, it included everything in the manga version and some bonus material.
So it is more that the story doesn’t divide into convenient chunks and the skits are better ways to use up spare minutes than slowing things down or inventing new material.
This is a really nice adaptation because the anime streamlines things – the manga was somewhat confusing at times.
The concept of “Good End” in Mirai Nikki is interesting, and spoiler-ish, so best not to ask about it and enjoy the ride. The corpses in the room are a great plot twist when it’s revealed.
I feel this was a satisfying resolution to the threads from the previous episode.
Yuno is still bat-shit insane, but Yukiteru is slowly accepting her, and he himself is finally coming out of his imposed shell of loser-dom.
Ninth is far more interesting than either Sixth or Twelfth – and thankfully she remains alive. Fourth’s motivations become murkier with each episode, and that’s good.
Also those skits add to the missing background of each character. Particularly if they would’ve interrupted the flow of the narrative. More important: the fact that they’re hilarious is proof that the show does not take itself way too seriously.
I really don’t see why you think the skits are pointless, they are part of the story really and putting them at the end is perfect so it doesn’t interfere with the main part of the episode or slow things down. I personally think they’ll be fine fitting it all in, but that is just my opinion. They are not next episode previews like with Ben-to and in actuality the characters are in character if you actually think about it…Idk, all I know is, as someone who read the manga, I’m happy.
i’m really looking forward to the next diary user.^_^
i felt that the episodes weren’t rushed,considering they are stuffing 59 chapters into 26 episodes and they haven’t left out anything important so i’m quite satisfied.
also i find those skits highly amusing
I can see now why you’re concerned about the timing. For some reason I was thinking the manga was 50 chapters so they would just be a tad bit behind but it’s actually about 60 chapters.
Not quite sure how they are going to do it, but I’m sure there is some “fluff” in the manga that they might take out. So far it has been following the manga almost perfectly (if not perfectly) so we’ll see what happens.
This is actually by least favorite diary holder arc so I wouldn’t have minded if they rushed it a little – but it would have been hard to fit into one episode.
I’ve enjoyed some of the skits, and some do seem to fill gaps from the story in terms of characters, I’m thinking of the first one esp, with the guy who kept destroying his own diary!
I liked both Yuno’s ploy to find out who the real eye dude was, and Yuki throwing the ball to distract the followers. Although the dart into the scroll diary looked a bit stupid as a way of destroying it,I mean, that only puts a tiny hole in it, at least use the axe!
That little moment where the eye dude paused to clean up trash was quite funny.
Although, yeah considering ninth is a terrorist bomber.. why let her out?
It really doesn’t make sense! This show is most enjoyable when you shut off the part of the brain that demands a proper plot. For some reason it does manage to be entertaining enough for me to do that!
It all depends on the next diary holder.
I wonder how they’ll handle it?
Could change the perception of the show.
The reason why 12th didn’t kill 9th is because, for some reason, it didn’t fit in with his personal concept of “righteousness,” which is very twisted, to say the least.
as for why fourth doesn’t kill her…well, that’s definitely a later plot point. it’s actually kind of cute–albeit a bit sad.
This show is nuts – and I love it. Whenever Yuno says, “Yuki,” I know I’m either going to smile, laugh, and/or recoil in horror (and that’s a lot of times to do those things.) Great choice for the seiyuu there.
The weird thing about Mirai Nikki (besides, uh, everything) is that I read the first few chapters and then skipped around until I got to a chapter where things just looked mind-boggling… at which point, I was engrossed to the point where I couldn’t stop reading. So now I’m really curious how the anime will fill in the gaps for me. I agree though that the episodes vs. chapter deal is a bit worrisome. Wonder how they’ll handle that.
I agree with the other comments in that the skits are actually enjoyable and a nice addition to the end of the episodes.
I can’t say I like Yukiteru much, though after the recent episode I am hoping that changes since he shrugged off being a coward/afraid of everything to save Yuno. Twelfth was awesome though even to the point where I am sad he is gone now, I would have liked to see him more
Others have said this already, but I’ll add my piece: The end skits are great. By removing itself from the usual tone of the show, they’re allowed to be experimental and humerous, while still adding a lot to the characters depth. Instead of inserting the blind guys backstory into the middle of the episode, where it would have broken the flow of events, sticking it in at the end allows them to change the tone and have more fun with the story
As others have said before me, there are 12 volumes of Mirai Nikki, which is easy to adapt in 26 episodes. For the moment, in 5 episodes, we have 2 and a half books adapted. The pacing is perfect.
I love the skits but I’d rather have 2 more minutes of show. Although I have to say, that epilogue regarding 12th was hilarious.