Okay, so now there are diaries who can turn people into zombies.
This episode pretty much continued the trend of this series and lapsed Yuno further into her psychotic tendencies. It perhaps wasn’t the best episode so far, but it still was entertaining. It’s a shame that it’s almost impossible to not get spoiled about Yuno, though. The suspense in this episode probably would have worked a lot better if it was unknown what exactly she was.
Now, I do wonder why Twelfth chose a moment in which four diary holders were at the same place at the same time to try and kill even his superior. My guess is that there is some sort of time limitation to his hypnosis diary and that he can only use the servants once or something.
Also, we’re only at episode 4 of 26, but I do hope that this show will take its time to show a bit more about all of the different characters, and who they are. At the moment, I’m still missing something from them, and they could have been a bit more fleshed out at this point, compared to other shows.
Rating: * (Good)]]>
Doubt the guys diary can hypnotize people, the diaries shouldn’t have any power beyond telling the future in their particular way I’d imagine.
More likely it’s just normal hypnosis but since he can see, or rather hear since his diary looked like an audio diary, what is going to happen he can give in depth commands to the hypnotized people before sending them out.
It’s not his diary, it’s just an ability of his.
don’t think it’s his diary. he was holding up some vial or whatever during the episode; he probably poisoned their water or something.
don’t think it’s his diary. he was holding up some vial or whatever during the episode; he probably poisoned their water or something with some sort of mind-hypnosis drug.
I don’t think the sixth is his superior.
You got spoiled about Yuno in what way? I didn’t see anything in the comments from privious episodes . Her being a psyhotic stalker was shown clearly in like the 1st episode so that wouldn’t be spoiler would it ?