Michiko e Hatchin – 06

Short Synopsis: Michiko tries to get Hatchin back.
Highlights: No, don’t ask me why two episodes aired on the same day.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 8,5/10 (Awesome)
While the strange broadcast schedule of this series is beyond me, I’m definitely not the one to complain at this point. This episode ranked among the best of the series so far, along with episode 4. It’s ironic: just when I labelled this series as a mostly serious one, it comes with such a fun yet exciting climax. I must say though, that this series knows exactly when it needs to be serious and funny, although it’s a bit unorthodox in this aspect. Most series that have a bit of comedy feature a fun build-up and a dark climax, but instead this series has a dark build-up and a fun climax. That’s something you really don’t see very often, but it works like a charm.

In this episode, we get confirmed that Atsuko and Michiko grew up at the same orphanage as where Michiko tried to dump Hatchin at in the previous episode. What I especially like is the relationship between the caretaker and Michiko right now. Michiko used to fight all the time, but right now they’ve got a strange sort of hate/friends relationship that’s interesting to watch. The caretaker was surprisingly well developed in such a short time. I really like her.

But yeah, the highlight of this episode was really the climax. The previous episode seemed to suggest that the fat guy was someone to take into consideration, but instead he’s just one big loser who happens to have a bit of power and eats too much. It was fun to see Michiko dress up as a matador and chasing him. It was awesome to see Hatchin escape from him, and trying to fight the bull with a ladle. The reunion also was really cute.

This series has proven to not only be well written, but also very diverse. Next week had better not be a hiatus, but either way: I’m sold.

2 thoughts on “Michiko e Hatchin – 06

  1. I can’t really say I like that old woman. She may have a heart of gold but she’s also fairly brutal. I can’t really forgive her for punching Michiko in the face. The truth is that most real-life villains aren’t perfectly bad or even the opposite most of the time like the really nice mass-murdering neighbour who greets you each morning. Violence always spoils it all.

  2. I agree that the climax is really happy and easy in this episode. It helps me getting out from the grief in episode 04.
    I like Hatchin even better after this episode. She can show her feelings quite straightforward, while most people may not. The tenacity, honesty, courage, and goodness seen from her make me feel that she is a much better person than her possible father who is a coward and who abandoned Michiko just after they planned to rescue his friends from ‘fatancy’,12 years ago.

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