Short Synopsis: Michiko meets a local party-girl with a few problems of her own.
Highlights: Drunk Hatchin was awesome.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 8,5/10 (Awesome)
With this episode, I’m convinced: Michiko e Hatchin is going to be an excellent series. The big question was of course whether the creators would make the random stories that will form the large part of this series well enough, and this episode proved that the creators are excellent at even that. This was one of these episodes where everything felt right, just like every single episode of this series since the second one.
I’m especially a big fan of how this episode progressed, and we got to know more and more about Pepe: she started off as a cocky whore, but then it turns out that she didn’t chose for that life of hers. She once was a rich lady, but lost everything when her parents died. It sounds really cheesy on paper, but the way the episode presented it made it really exciting.
I also really like Hatchin, even though she just had a supporting role in this episode. Seeing her getting drunk on what she thought was orange juice was hilarious, and I was also really surprised to see her still working at that restaurant, and how he hasn’t been sacked yet for just running off after the previous episode.
Power to my peopre! The black peopre! (around 1:38 in)
you must be stupid.. they arent smart enough to run anything! they are better off as slaves. black power lmao ya and black lives matter only when a white person takes one..
This was a great, funny and tragic episode.
ItAintEazy: I’m almost convinced a lot of Engrish in anime happens on purpose. It’s funny but it’s also a bit trolling but if they actually make a mistake, it’s not so outstanding and may still be considered a joke.
Haha, drunken Hatchin ftw! Just hope all that drinking doesn’t stunt her growth, lol. Also glad to see that the animation quality hasn’t dipped too much. I hate it when shows dump their whole budget on their first ep(s) and then let their Q&C go to hell after the money’s run out.
That series stands out, it really breaks with standard anime types , that’s why it’s really good ! I gave it a try and i’m glad i did! That ep was cool and very easy to understand in raw!
This episode reminded me alot of City of God, which is a great film. This anime has buckets of potential.
Surprised how much I’m enjoying this, drunk Hatchin is a long way from beaten orphan Hatchin, I like the character development.
Spoiler ahead.
So dis Michiko really let Pepe and sister face doom doing nothing? I couldn’t believe that at start, but i guess it’s pretty much realistics its own way. Michiko is a cool antiheroine.
the reason hatchin still works at the chinese shop…the dudes daughter was killed chasing eat and runners into the favela…(which is why he was like DONT GO when she ran after them the last ep) going into favelas in Brazil is suicide, pretty much all the drug gangs make that place their home. It was REALLY bad in the time that the show is showing.
This is my deciding episode too, what a great episode. Michiko and Hatchin’s relationship continues to grow and I’m loving how much they resemble the love, respect and faith of a perfect family while being so disconnected. It’s delivering unexpected fuzziness.
For Hatchin’s job at the restaurant. I was most interested in if Michiko had a response to the owner’s dodgy wages and treatment but her complete non response has me appreciating even more how strong these characters are.