META – Chat Box Update

This post isn’t about anime, but about the little chatbox on the right of the site. There’s nothing wrong with it, but this is 2021, so we’re trying out new things! Specifically, for those of you on Discord, a new channel called #chat-box was made. We’re looking at replacing the Chatango box with an on-site client for that. Read on!

Why would we do this? Right now, the chatbox is only on the website, which – let’s face it – isn’t always the most mobile friendly. By tying in to Discord, mobile users (such as myself) could interact without having to be on the page itself. One important point to note is that you do not need to create a discord account to chat – there’s a guest option where you can pick your username (1337Taxi9000 for example)

Here’s a preview of what the new chat box will look like:

Shout outs to the brilliant developer at Titan Embeds for making such a cool product!

What do you think? Let me know if you love it, hate it, couldn’t care less, or want me to stop bothering you, unless it’s about Odd Taxi!

4 thoughts on “META – Chat Box Update

  1. Just so everyone knows, to avoid confusion, my discord name is xiaoliu-ringon, which is dramatically different to the one on here, so I guess I’ll be using that then.
    I don’t really use discord much, but I suppose this will be an incentive to do so.

    1. I believe you can rename yourself per server (I think it’s called Nickname) so you can stay kaiser.eoghan to us!

  2. An option to collapse the chat box (saved permanently in cookies for later) would be good, since right now there is only 1 recent post in the sidebar I can see. For users who never will use chat anyway.

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