Megalo Box – 7 [The Road to Death]

Hello everyone, and welcome to the most surprising episode of Megalo Box yet. This week we have family drama, Joe’s declining health and a shocker of an ending. Lets jump in!

So starting from the top, lets talk about this ending. I never thought Megalo Box would pull something like this, with its limited number of episodes. I assumed there would be a basic, linear progression of fights. With this however we now have 2 strong antagonists, or perhaps 2 protagonists. Its difficult to decide where Yuri fits into this, though Mikio’s place is clear. Regardless I am very impressed through brought Joe’s legal citizenship back into question. Mikio was already an interesting opponent, the rich boy with something to prove, but this blackmail really sells his “Anything to win” attitude. I am slightly disappointed that we didn’t get a fight, and might not get one next week, but based on the quality of previous fights, its not that big a loss. Fewer, higher quality fights with intense narrative weight like the inevitable Mikio fight will beat out Samejima any day.

Speaking of Mikio, I have to say, I was impressed with the level of backstory he got. I was only expecting the “Rich boy with something to prove”. Yet we also got an interesting side-plot with him, Yukiko and their company. From what we know, Mikio was passed over for head of the family company, and he wants what he thinks is rightfully his. Hes clearly willing to work for it, designing his own AI Gear (Talk about that later), and fighting in his own matches. Its like he wants to show his AI gear is better than Yukiko’s integrated gear. So theres motivation to fight Yuri right there. Megalonia is basically a “Whose path for the company is better”, which puts Yukiko on Joe’s side in all this. Which is convient when you think that she is perhaps one of the only people who can get Joe a citizenship.

Why do I bring up her getting Joe a citizenship? Well because its obvious what is going to happen. Yukiko wanted Joe to beat Mikio, clearly thought he could. She figured he would be able to knock her brother out of contention, and even Mikio feared it since he had to blackmail Joe. With Joe now unable to compete because of his illegal status, theres only one thing to do. Amend the rules/Law or get him a citizenship. This is probably the Joe’s low-point for the series. I certainly can’t see Yuri being happy about it, as he was looking forward to facing Joe. I am a bit concerned about pacing with all of this though. Somehow Megalo box has to get Joe back into the ring, face off against Mikio and then Yuri in 6 episodes. Certainly possible, but to do it well? Difficult no doubt.

Now, some minor things. First off, AI gear? How is this allowed? Does that not defeat the purpose of boxing, if the Gear is doing the boxing for them? Really the more and more we learn about gear, the more it tries to get involved in the story, the more it just seems out of place. The gear is just a gimmick for “Gearless” Joe. We have yet to see it seriously change anyone, or the differences in gear. Its “Rule of Cool” more than anything else. Other interesting details, I enjoy how Joe’s physical health is getting called into question. I always love to see the lasting effects of a story on a character. The pace of his fights clearly aren’t healthy and its good Megalo Box acknowledges that. Its details like this, or the cool “Che Guevera” treatment Joe is getting that really draws you in.

So all-in-all, an interesting episode with an ending that came out of nowhere. I know I harp on Megalo Box a lot, I have a tendency to do that with everything. But thats because I love anime like Megalo Box or Steins;Gate. There are so many things I could praise about Megalo Box, from the style of its art in every scene to the undeniably great and unique soundtrack. However, everyone is going to praise those things. Everyone is going to applaud Megalo Box for what it does well, because its simply that good in those areas. As such, I feel someone has to point out where Megalo Box falls short. If only so we can admire the amazing parts all the more, for how they lift up the bad. Its a tough love approach, I know, but I still look forward to Megalo Box every week inspite of it.

See you next week folks! Can’t wait to see how Joe gets out of this one. And look! I went an entire episode without reference Hajime no Ippo! … Dangit


2 thoughts on “Megalo Box – 7 [The Road to Death]

  1. I like how every episode contains something you didn’t see coming without becoming the typical forced plot-twist-at-the-end kind of series that only throws these scenes in to guarantee that the viewers won’t lose interest.

    I really wonder how this will play out, I just wish this series was a double cours.
    Also, I really like the side characters here. Wonder if we will see another interesting enemy aside from Mikio, Yuri and Aragaki.

    1. I think this is probably it for our main cast. I dont see another character getting introduced and being, you know, worth it. Mikio, Yukiko, Yuri and the heavyweight lion guy seem to be our endgame.

      And yes, I wish this was 2 cour without a doubt. We could do so much. And I do agree these “end of episode plot twists” are coming out without *feeling* like plot twists.

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