Mayoiga – 02


Hello there; I am Mario and this is my first ever post here in this blog. I hope you guys gonna enjoy my posts. As my name might indicates, I’m a male so Aidan; don’t refer me as “them” anymore; will ya?

For this season I will be covering Mayoiga; Flying Witch and Bungou Stray Dogs; but for those of you who still confuse of which writers write a post; Aidan and me decided to put our signatures/trademarks/whatever… at the end of each post. Mine will be ~SuperMario~ (haha)

Back to Mayoiga though, now in the second episode; we have much better idea what they will go for and the premise shows a compelling hook. We have a lost village where previous occupants seem to be vanished; and two people from the tour have been disappeared. People begin to spirited away really feel like a natural progress of the story; but providing that Masaki was one of a few characters that we spent time the most so far; I have doubt that this is the last time we heard of her.

The episode also take time to explore the communication of a group with so many different personalities and different goals to begin with; especially when it comes to trusting each other and making a decision altogether. Their confrontation with the bus driver highlights those issues; where those people have very conflicting attitudes toward the way to treat the bus driver.  I expect in the next episodes the clash between those characters would get more intense and would become the main focus of this series.

With that said, I still can’t figure out the role of the bus driver in the story. Every moments connected to him feel forced. He is the only one who hadn’t properly introduced (we even don’t know his name); yet  he getting way too much screen time. He always seems like an exclusion of the group; yet the series keeps including him. He better has a more significant role in next episodes; but at least he did see something that made him change his mind; so it’s interesting to see how things play out. I just hope that he won’t reappear just so that he would be the first one to be killed off. Time will tell on that.




5 thoughts on “Mayoiga – 02

  1. It was that obvious was it? I was fairly certain you were a guy but I didn’t want to go making assumptions.

    On this show I hope this isn’t about manbearpigs in the woods.

  2. Congrats on the first post!

    Maybe this is just personal preference but the constant use of semi-colon’s is a bit jarring to me. Also, unsure if this is on purpose but there’s extra whitespace at the end of the review.

    1. Thanks very much, I will definately take notes on that. Yeah it’s just ny habit more than anytging else that I always prefer to use semicolon, haha. Nah the space was just purely a rookie error. I’m still getting familiar with the system so that’s bound to happen, but I can assure you That I won’t get that mistake next time. Thanks again for your comment.

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