+ May Anime Rankings +
I still haven’t found a good name for this, as I’m still finding the right format for it. This time, I decided to throw everything just in one category, instead of splitting things up. Only the best ten have gotten some screenshots, as frankly, I got a bit tired of finding screenshots for 40 series each month.
#32: Shining Tears X Wind – I think this is what you’d call a guilty pleasure. I agree with everyone how badly this show is written, but because of my love for RPG-adaptations, I just can’t get myself to drop it.
#31: Kaze no Stigma – Back when it first aired, I remember writing a rather harsh review against it. That maybe wasn’t the best idea, as what followed were more than twenty people who liked the show commented to defend it, and somehow that post became my biggest source of Google hits for more than a month. Because of this, I decided to check it out, though what I found was that the three main characters were all just too annoying. Luckily, in episode six I finally found something that made me want to keep watching: seeing the red-haired girl grow. I really want her to beat up that idiotic male main character somewhere in this series.
#30: Heroic Age – It’s epic, but it doesn’t really do anything for me. I hoped for a complex plot in this one, but it seems that it’ll just feature a fight between Age and some random opponent. Let’s hope the second half comes with a bit more depth.
#29: Koutetsu Sangokushi – You know, the show could indeed use better scriptwriters, and some character designs just look a bit too ridiculous, but I do admit that the death in episode 6 was quite good.
#28: Tokyo Tribe 2 – This series keeps hopping over the line of credibility, but it’s a nice watch.
#27: Lucky Star – So far, I’ve had a few good laughs from Lucky Star, it’s definitely the best Kyoto-Animation series that I’ve seen so far. But it’s definitely not the best series of the season, in my opinion, and the Lucky Channel was a bad idea.
#26: The Skull Man – The protagonists are definitely annoying, but there’s some decent mystery in this series. It also helps that this is just going to have 12 episodes, so there won’t be room for fillers.
#25: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann – Frankly, after Popolocrois I don’t really care about the now famous death of episode eight anymore. It was way too long and drawn out. And do NOT get me started on how the princess’s BOX just happened to be dropped right next to Simon when he was taking a stroll.
#24: Kishin Taisen Gigantic Formula – Tj Han possibly worded this best: it’s the most racial and culturally ignorant show out there. The characters are good, but someone please fix those nationalistic aspects of this show. Plus, the show still makes no sense.
#23: Darker than Black – Surprisingly, this turned out good when it started focusing on the main story. But the gore may have been a bit too much.
#22: Reideen – So far, Reideen has had to battle a few nearly impossible enemies, and while I’m not too much of a fan of the Deus ex Machina from episodes 10, the characters are appealing.
#21: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS – Okay, the good guys have potential, the bad guy has great promise to become great, now live up to these expectations!
#20: Gintama – Hilarious as always, especially Katsura in episode 28.
#19: Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge – At this point, Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge is drawing near its end, and has to start wrapping up its stories and start the serious drama, in true anime fashion. Surprisingly, it made quite a good start, not forfeiting the humour that made the series great.
#18: Murder Princess – Despite the silliness, the serious parts in the second episode were really touching.
#17: Power Puff Girls Z – Episode 37 was quite possibly the best episode of this series yet. This series is ranked so low on this list because I want more, seeing as it was the only episode released this month.
#16: El Cazador – I’m fearing that El Cazador is about to hit a series of fillers, like it started in episode nine. I’m hoping that it’ll feature some character-development in any of the following episodes.
#15: Ooedo Rocket – So far, Ooedo Rocket has featured some good and some less interesting episodes. While some of the episodes were disappointing, the good ones were awesome. 🙂
#14: Kekkaishi – Finally, the third protagonist arrives, and I already like him.
#13: Romeo x Juliet – That kiss in episode 7 was actually a great one. This series turned out way better than I thought.
#12: Deltora Quest – Deltora Quest continued with its excellent storytelling, though the releases have been quite slow this month.
#11: Death Note – At the moment, Death Note has really become more consistent. When compared to the first half, there are nearly no bad points, but the good points don’t reach the heights of those in the first half. So far, though, I like it a lot.
#10: Les Miserables
The second arc was really different from the first one, it was much quieter. While I loved it, it just doesn’t match up to the awesomeness of the Thenardier-arc.
#9: Seirei no Moribito
The most complex and hardest anime to understand since Ergo Proxy. Still, I’m having a blast, trying to figure out what’s happening. I’m quite curious about what this series is going to do in its second half.
#8: Claymore
The Teresa-arc was definitely one step above the Raki-arc, and while it was quite amazing, it also reminded me that this is a shounen-series. Luckily, Claymore is rumoured to go down quite a different path when compared to your usual shounen-series. Episode nine already showed hints of this.
#7: Saiunkoku Monogatari
The second season has been excellent so far. Shuurei just continues to grow more and more, but Eigetsu was the one to make the most impact on me.
#6: Toward the Terra
Even though I liked Jomie better, Keith has proved to be quite an interesting protagonist, along with Sam, Swena and Shiroe. The art style still rocks.
#5: Hitohira
Why did I ever think of dropping this series!? It’s awesome, and episodes eight and nine have been amazing!
#4: Dennou Coil
One of the most imaginative series I’ve seen in quite a while. Great art, excellent animation, what more could you want?
#3: Kaze no Shoujo Emily
The focus has mostly been on Emily, but she makes such an adorable character. It’s a huge shame that nearly everyone is ignoring this, as it’s one of the best of the season.
#2: Wellber no Monogatari
Yes, call me crazy, but I greatly enjoyed the past few episodes of Wellber no Monogatari have been increasingly awesome, and I’m warming up to the characters more and more with every episode. Rita, Tina and Galahad are surprisingly likable, the OP is still my favourite for this season, and it’s another perfect example of an underdog who deserves more attention.
#1: Bokura no
Even though it has been toned down, according to the manga-readers, it didn’t prevent me from enjoying this excellent series. Not only are the characters extremely likable, it also makes sure of enough twists and turns to keep the story fresh.
+ Random Notes +
– When C1 released the first episode of Perrine, it seemed like a good idea to start checking out more series of the World Masterpiece Theatre, since Les Miserables has turned out really good so far. So far, the first episode has potential, though the graphics took a bit of time to get used to, as they’re as old-school as they can get. It’ll be interesting to see how this one turns out.
– Another older series I went to check out was one recommended to me by Wyrdwad: Ashita no Nadja. If you’re a shoujo-fan, I definitely recommend you to check it out, as I’ve seen the first 16 episodes, and there were some beautiful episodes among them, not to mention that nearly every character has some sort of charming side. I’ve only got one complaint, it’s fascinating to see how Nadja and the others travel through Europe, but no matter where she goes, she always runs into someone or something important to the plot. It’s a good thing that the results of these encounters are great to watch, though. ^^;
– Does anyone know what happened to the fansubs of Strange Dawn by NiTe? I’m actually craving for some more of that series, I can’t understand why people would neglect such an excellent gem for so long.
– I’m already looking forward to the summer-season, as some sequels to some already awesome anime have been planned (Mononoke and Higurashi). My preview should be up in a couple of days.
+ Top 5 Episodes +
#5: Kaze no Shoujo Emily – 08 – A perfect example of a touching episode, when it starts focusing on Emily’s dead mother.
#4: Power Puff Girls Z – 37 – Okay, I mentioned this before, but I absolutely loved this episode and its parodies. Here’s to hoping more of these kinds of episodes will follow.
#3: Wellber no Monogatari – 08 – The definite proof that this show knows what it’s doing. If you still dislike this show after this episode, then it’s definitely not your cup of tea.
#2: Ooedo Rocket – 05 – Glad to see that the subs are out, and I can already see some people posting about how good it is. Just wait till they see episode five. ^_^
#1: Popolocrois 2003 – 23 – The beginning of one of the rumoured best endings in an anime ever. This episode showed that there is an actual possibility for this to be true.]]>
Sounds like a fair analysis to me. Personally I’d put El Cazador a little lower (they seem to be going out of their way not to move the plot forward, and most of the people they encounter just aren’t interesting enough for it to be a good slice of life IMO)
Has Death Note really gotten back on track? I stopped watching it after Light wiped his own memories, but if it’s returned somewhat to form I might pick it up again. For me the mind games just seemed getting less clever/logical and more about the personal interaction between Light, L and Misa: None of whom are interesting enough characters in themselves to carry the show without intricate attempts to outdo one another. That and I got frustrated that the Death Note was little more than a plot device to set Light and L against each other, thus they never really examined what kind of effect something like the Death Note would have on society. But I’m babbling.
Anyway, good list. I’ll definately check out some of the higher ranking ones I’ve missed.
God, I’d love to see some more Strange Dawn as well. Sadly, it’s one of those rare anime that was PARTIALLY released on DVD here, but never finished. After the first 7 episodes, no more was ever released, and it doesn’t seem like any more ever WILL be released… which is a real shame, as the show is amazing. I think the only reason it failed so badly is because of the poor marketing: much as with Narutaru, the show was packaged and written up in such a way that it came across as “kiddie,” despite the fact that it’s VERY DEFINITELY NOT MEANT FOR CHILDREN. I mean, episode 3 of Strange Dawn has a scene that’s tantamount to attempted rape! And yet, the DVD case is all bright and colorful, and the description on the back sounds like some sort of Disney write-up…
Glad to hear how much you enjoyed Popolo2003 and Nadja, BTW! I really can’t wait to read your review of Popolo2003 ep 24 after its release… I’m really curious to see if others find it as intensely emotional as I do. (:
And you should definitely stick with Nadja, as the series gets REALLY, REALLY GOOD in the 20s. I just wish Anime Coalition would hurry up and finish fansubbing it! Hopefully, I’ll be able to help them toward that goal once PopoloCrois is all done. (:
Lvl20Blastifier: The thing is, that Death Note has become a lot different when compared to the first arcs. Light has become way more reckless after one point, and people are actually giving him a very hard time to survive.
If you’re interested in the effects of the Death Note on society, though, you won’t be disappointed with the second half, as some scenes really try to show how a world reacts to Kira. Some of these scenes were pretty freaky.
Wyrdwad: Strange Dawn indeed is an awesome series. The thing is, that the fansubber claims that he’s got the entire dvd, and he plans to release it entirely. I’m a bit worried, though, as it’s only been the second episode and we’ve already not heard any news in months.
Well, you can always check eBay for the first two DVDs, assuming you live in region 1. (: They should be pretty cheap (I believe I got the first one for $5!), and they contain the first 7 episodes of the show.
The problem, of course, is where to get ahold of those last 6 episodes. I know the show was broadcast in its entirety in England a while back, dubbed (kind of poorly), but I don’t think it was ever released on DVD, even over there…
Whoa, I completely don’t get what’s confusing about Seirei no Moribito.
But yay, another Emily fan! I have a soft spot for Wellber too… and I’ll maintain that Terra e is truly excellent stuff.
Nei: heh, I’m probably the only one to find Seirei no Moribito confusing because I watch it in raw, despite my lack of japanese and the incredibly complex dialogue. ^^;
i don’t want to sound rude but this is one of the most screwed up lists i’ve ever seen, puting death note and kekkaishi after garbage like Dennou Coil?!
what the fuck?
The fact is, that some people like series outside of the shounen-genre. I’m one of them. I really like the imaginative concepts of Dennou Coil, as a matter of fact, it’s all just a question of taste.