Mawaru Penguin Drum – 14

Holy crap. Is there any limit to how high this show is willing to aim? This episode once again was completely amazing and heck, I can’t remember the last time in which this series didn’t deliver an awesome episode. The twists in this episode were very surprising, and yet they fit so well. And heck, why didn’t I ask this myself sooner: what happened to the lesbians in a Kunihiko Ikura series? Well, this episode gave the answer when it suddenly revealed Yuri’s background from out of nowhere. I should have known: she was a bit too composed for this series. She was just very good at hiding her own issues, but her quirks fit in perfectly with this series. It’s a neat little twist for her to have been best friends with Ringo’s sister, and it actually gives a pretty plausible excuse for Tabuki to know her. The rest of the cast was also excellent. The creators put a ton of emotions in the characters, and it really was a great example of angst done right: emotional, yet avoiding the story or characters to stagnate just because of that angst. Himari in particular was adorable (and seriously: something tells me that somewhere in the near future, her two friends are going to make a return, and I’m really looking forward to that). Kanba meanwhile was put into a bit of a strange situation: Natsume basically offered to cover the expenses for Himari, and he refused. He didn’t really strike me as a proud person before, so what could it have been that he’d even prefer cooperating with these shady men in suits? I’m not sure if I’ve said this before, but one thing I also love about this show is how brilliantly it uses its music. Instead of just staying in the background, it is really well timed, and forces the atmosphere of each scene to really stand out. The best example of that in this episode was the car scene at the beginning, but also the ending did this really well. This episode really didn’t attempt to hide the fact that this came from Utena’s director when it introduced cars and lesbians like this. The thing is however that he’s putting in so much new stuff in this series that it doesn’t really matter that he’s using ideas that he used before. Rating: *** (Awesome) ED: New song. Not as good as last week, but still some nice ideas and especially the second half is quite catchy.]]>

19 thoughts on “Mawaru Penguin Drum – 14

  1. I think Kamba refused Natsume paying for Himari because she would use that as leverage for Kamba to obey her…

  2. Kunihiko also continues to rely on suggestion for the more sexual scenes, another thing I really noticed in Utena. Makes me glad to see him still using that direction technique.

  3. I like your choice of screenshot this week psgels. Some one’s definitely “roasted” this episode XD But yeah.Hermaphrodite maybe?

  4. My guess is that her family was involved in the attack somehow, and he blames them for ruining his family. I suspect that when all is said and done all of the major characters will be tied together by it.

  5. It is just a guess but I believe that the “shady men in suits” are of the same group of persons who attacked the train station.
    I mean this is probably why Natsume said to Kanba that he is heading to the way to save Himari (helping terrorists to get money to save her sister)

  6. Ah-MAZING. I should’ve known that having directed Revolutionary Girl Utena, Kunihiko Ikuhara would go back to the well sooner or later, but he didn’t play his hand until the 14th episode!

  7. I was sure Yuri had a penis XD But still…..troubling and so unexpected :O I would have never figured the episode would have focused on Yuri!! This series is just crazy and amazing XD

  8. What a twist, I definitely did not see that coming. But after all, we know now that Yuri’s name makes a lot of sense ^^; I wonder what is wrong with her body…

  9. I was so engrossed in this episode that I actually gasped when the title card came up at the end (another little stylistic trick that I love)! This series’ ability to transition from episode to episode and maintain interest is really astounding and reminds me of the way I watched Utena back in the day.
    Makes me wonder if this series is going to be able to pull off the kind of finale that would put it in the company of legendary series such as Utena. As much as I’ve loved the twists and shocks, the fact that it’s very obviously set in the world of the present day means that pulling of stunning Utena-like stunts is just more difficult, so the series comes off as more understated. Looking forward to seeing if understated can still be synonymous with legendary…

  10. @reverse: I get “fate,” but “fabulous max” has been used ~5 times so far, I think? That hardly qualifies as overuse, imo.
    Personally, I love the catch phrases in this show. Their usage elsewhere may not always be the best, but that’s a price I’m willing to pay for the entertainment value of hearing them in the actual show.
    Also, I don’t think I’ve seen a show that has packed so many metaphors and themes into itself without imploding – so far, at least. That said, I’m cautiously optimistic about the direction the show is taking in its 2nd half. Can’t wait for the next ep.

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