Master of Epic – 11

Image Hosted by Image Hosted by ImageShack.usImage Hosted by Short Synopsis: No real theme of this episode, the girl from episode two returns and the Waragecha finally manage to defeat their enemies. For now, at least. Good: The cooking-contest; Waragecha; The rather strange beginning-sketch. Bad: What!? Only one more episode left!? Nooooooo! Overall Enjoyment Value: 8/10 Dammit, this series only is going to take 12 episodes! That means that next week will be closing off this series. Dammit, I so would have loved to see more of this series. But then again, by keeping the series short, the creators did avoid this series from dragging on. But still, I want more!! Rawr!! Sketch one: is it me, or was even the voice-actor trying to keep his laughing down? Really, it seemed he could burst out laughing any minute now. But what do you expect, when Bukotsu suddenly does such a ridiculous dance? XD Sketch two: probably was the sketch who introduced the most new character-designs of any sketch so far. It’s a cooking-match, and both the contestants as the commentators as the audience have never appeared in the show before, apart from Bukotsu perhaps. The scene was really hilarious, as not only did the participants try to sabotage each other, the commentators also had some strange conversations on their own. One of them (a version of Bukotsu with actual hair. :P) even went as far as describing his own sad history. Hilarious sketch. XD (Notice when Juliano seduced the female members of the audience, the commentator also reacted to this? XD) Sketch three: the news. Another beauty. The reporter is out to interview Philippe as he’s attempting to run for a long time: 922 hours. He’s already been running for three hours. When the reporter asks him for the reason… well, there isn’t. It just seemed like a nice idea. XD Sketch four: we finally learn the names of the Newtar and the female Pandemos he has a crush on! Tatsuya and Minami. While I usually hate these kinds of scenes, it’s great to see them parodied like that. As usual, Tatsuya keeps goofing off, and in the end he promises her something he could never do: give her a gattling gun. XD Oh, and we see the main character again! Yay! Speaking of that main character, she’d better have a big role in the final episode! Sketch five: the girl from the second episode returns. She’s still searching for a way not to fight. Let’s just say that that doesn’t work. XD Sketch six: the producers finally are defeated in a very humorous way. I kept wondering why the roundy thingies on the robot looked like speakers. Well, this episode showed that they actually are speakers. The Waragecha defeat the duo by unleashing the terror of their theme-song on them. XD I loved how they realized how it’s quite pathetic that their own theme-song is such an effective weapon. XD I really wonder what the final episode will be like. With a show like this, you’ll never know. I never thought I’d say this for a comedy-show, but I’d love to see some more serious scenes. That scene in the previous episode made me hungry for more. It’s interesting to see that in a comedy-series as this, such a serious scene worked out so awesome. It’s probably because the creators really made me curious for each different character. I keep hoping for certain characters to appear again, and it of course it’s a treat to see these hopes come true.]]>

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