Short Synopsis: Fishing! Swimming! Afk! Fashion! Giant Robot! Thunderbirds Parody!
Good: As Funny as always; Lots of returning characters, but why is Rosalia among them? XD
Bad: Can “the producer” really be a worthwhile antagonist? I want to see that main character!!!
Overall Enjoyment Value: 8/10
Sketch I: The Introduction. This time, the presenters talk about fishing. Not really the most interesting topic out there, is there? ^^; They realize that themselves as well.
Sketch II: The News. The reporter this time is visiting a school for those pigs. It’s quite a strange school, and I can’t imagine what they’d be learning there. Probably how to annoy people, as they demonstrate to the reporter. One even goes as far as abusing him. We never really know what happens, as the female anchor quickly switches over to another subject. ^^;
Sketch III: another Fishing Scene. Chuu has no luck at all, until something catches her hook: a drowning bear. XD
Sketch IV: Rosaria returns, along with “her” faithful partner James. Thankfully, “she” was a lot funnier than last time we saw her, but “she” remains WRONG. “She” continues to roam the online world, giving some very eccentric fashion tips to random people. This includes giving a Warage-Blue-clone a mahou-shoujo-look, and the main character together with the female Pandemos two elephant-ears. I like how the latter two got on Rosaria’s nerves. XD
Sketch V: The Office Again. This time, it gives a brilliant impression of being AFK. ^_^
Sketch VI: The two male Elmony return. You know, the one in which one of them always does everything perfectly, while the other keeps messing up. This time, he dives on top of a bunch of rocks, and gets chased by various dangerous-looking sea-creatures. I really mean it when the voice-acting under water was hilarious. XD
Sketch VII: The Office Yet Again. Didn’t quite get this one, though. The boss makes the woman cry, causing him to get fired. Now there’s a new boss. I still haven’t found the point of this.
Sketch VIII: Waragecha V. The Waragecha seriously are looking more and more like a sentai-team. First they got new suits, now they even have their own giant robot which can be split up in five smaller ones! I may be crazy when I say this, but they looked really cute this episode. The question, however, will remain what this robot will add to the next episode. The cliff-hanger stopped right after the five Elmony left to fight “the producer” yet again. On a side-note: this show is quite clever in its cliff-hangers. XD]]>
The ‘real life’ skits, I figure, are how reality would look if done in an MMORPG. Like the old man who stops in the middle of a footpath to ‘recover’ after a run or, in this case, the woman who slacks off at work. Although that skit was pretty annoying in and of itself.