Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica – 03

Well, I guess that this shows that this series knew exactly what it was doing. The twist that this episode pulled… I did not expect that so early on in the series. It was by far the best episode of Madoka Magica so far. This is another one of those SPOILER episodes, so you might want to close this window if you haven’t seen the episode yet.

Of course, “mentor deaths” have been used before, and this episode did contain a ton of foreshadowing (I mean, there were a lot of lines by Mami that could easily be translated to “I’m about to die”), like you usually have with these kinds of episodes. The actual death scene was really well executed, though: there was no overly long death speech or melodramatic yelling. It was simply over in an instant. It didn’t even have time to sink in due to the huge sudden mood whiplash. On top of that, this wasn’t just about Mami who just found herself some new friends, but this episode also questioned what it means to be a mahou shoujo, almost like a deconstruction.

As for the next number of episodes, it’s probably going to focus on Madoka and Sayaka becoming mahou shoujo. The interesting part is going to be how it’ll happen. This episode pretty much analyzed why they want to become one, and after what happened at the end of this episode, it’s especially going to be interesting to see how Madoka ends up becoming one. Is it just going to be for the sake of Mami, or will there be more involved?
Rating: *** (Awesome)

24 thoughts on “Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica – 03

  1. This was the best episode yet. This show and Level E are the only shows this season that makes me wish the week would go faster.

    Mami’s death wasn’t that unexpected, given all the foreshadowing this episode. This will probably be the catalyst that will kickstart the stories plot, and is probably the turning point into a more darker and serious mood.

    Can hardly wait for nest weeks episode..

  2. This was an awesome episode! I suspect that Madoka may well think about using her wish to bring back Mami in the next episode, but Mami was warning both of them that the wish had to be for them otherwise there was consequences (no idea what they were). So I guess we’ll see. I hope she doesn’t.

    And I agree … another vote from me for the evil Kyuubei theory.

  3. I was kinda shocked because MAL lists Mami as a main character… A main character that dies 3 episodes in? Lol well thats awesome anyway, I love it when they arent afraid to kill characters, and having one die so early means no one is safe, other than Madoka

  4. I sense Mami’s revival :)) but other than that, this series is already my favorite. Finally, they aired the awesome soundtrack at the beginning of episode 1!

  5. So far, all I can think when I watch this show is a mix of Narutaru and Bokurano. I’m more eager to know what exactly this “contract” is all about.

  6. The guy behind this series composition is Gen Urobuchi. That guy did pretty much all the best darkly/twisted Visual novels that I know. He doesn’t do shows which are cutesy and flower themed. Now that he sort of did,one can only speculate what lies beyond the surface.

  7. Let’s hope dead chars will stay dead.
    It looks like this time there is some substance in Shaft’s recipe too.

  8. @solaris: I’m all for characters staying dead but only if it stays true to the characterization. Any reasonable person in Madoka would wish for Mami’s revival.

    Anyway, first time I’ve seen a magical girl decapitated. Thank you, Shaft, I really needed that -_-

  9. There are several ways that I can see a wish revive working (or at least not totally sucking). One possibility is to have the company Madoka’s mom work for be somehow responsible for the accident that killed Mami’s parents. Mami, seeking revenge, ends up killing Madoka’s mom, and thus Madoka’s wish to revive Mami ends up causing her mom to die. Something that I like about this scenario is that it ties into what she said to Madoka when asked what she would wish for. Be careful what you wish for, indeed.

  10. If Homura knew that the witch was special, there is no way that Kyuubei didn’t know. So there is a chance that he, himself, “killed” (=let her be killed) Mami, an action that would act as an catalyst to made Madoka and Sayaka Mahou Shoujo.
    I don’t think that Mami would revive. That would be lame. If there is that possibility, other person even more special to Madoka would die. Everything has a price.

  11. @Haruka: I was thinking the same thing. Kyuubei didn’t even react when Mamai was killed. Homura said this witch was different, so maybe she knew it was a set up. And I never knew witches ate mahou shoujos (Sp?).

    Seriously this episode made me even more suspicious of Kyuubei.

  12. LOVED the episode, hated that the character I liked the most is gone so soon though… and by something so silly looking. Couldn’t she at least have gotten a stop-motion creeper witch instead of that balloon-toy clown thingy?!

    And yeah, I guessed it would happen earlier in the ep, and still I hated the feeling! Good for story, bad for nerves. DX

  13. @Haruka, @Katie

    Now that you two mention it, it does make perfect sense for the final scenario to be a set-up to bring down Mami on Kyuubei’s part. She’s been quite firm in her advice to Sayaka and Madoka to think carefully before making their wish, which runs counter to Kyuubei’s interests.

  14. Thank you, psgels!!! I would never have started watching this series if you didn’t start blogging it! It’s just sooo fantastic! The first mahou shoujo series that actually can be tackled more seriously, that has a dark atmosphere and a particularly gloomy and unsettling setting! For the first time, being a mahou shoujo is not presented as something frivolous and pleasant, but something that can be frightening and life-threatening! Which is miles away from what we usually expect from a series with such a light-hearted title, after watching this, we can hardly escape the dark feeling that keeps haunting us even in our dreams!

  15. Freaky. The witch bit Mami’s freaking head off, drops her corpse 90 feet, then eats it.
    At least, when Homura defeats the witch, Mami isn’t left there on the sidewalk when the spell dissipates!

  16. I still have issues dealing with what just happened. Damn, this show is dark and cruel. What a sudden and gruesome death.

    And now I’m thinking : The author must be laughing inside, I think he just traumatized every little girl watching this show expecting a light-hearted anime.

    Now, I’m thinking her wish will somehow revolve around Mami. But will it work out well or not?

    Anyway, amazing episode. The shit just got real.

  17. >(I mean, there were a lot of lines by Mami that >could easily be translated to “I’m about to >dieâ€�)

    yeah… i was like “oh no no no, they’re not going to…. DAMN IT XD”
    saw it coming too…. wish i didnt though >_>

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