Macross Frontier – 22

Short Synopsis: A calm before the storm things are set up for the finale.
Highlights: Ozma and Catherine.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 7,5/10
Okay Westlo, you’ve proved your point. At the previous episode, I declare Sheryl standing no chance at Alto’s love, only for the two to sleep together in just one episode later (at least, that was very much implied). For now, I’ll refrain from making any predictions about this love-triangle until the show’s actually over. I’ve never been that good with love anyway.

In any case, this episode set things up for the finale of this series. Leon gets the Macross Fleet ready to chase after Ranka, if I understood things correctly, and Sheryl started singing again. It turns out that her disease can be cured, in the same way that Ranka’s currently suppressing her own disease. Ozma and Catherine also successfully managed to escape and allied themselves with the rest of SMS, who now know too that Catherine’s father was assassinated. And about that ending… did Ozma just force Alto to be abandoned by the rest of the Macross-fleet?

My problem is, though, that with three episodes left, I’m really not sure whether Macross Frontier can pull off a good finale. I mean, I’m not really curious to see Ranka’s past, and this series will have to end with the death of Leon, where both Ranka and Sheryl will be saved and Alto choosing one of them. I really don’t see any potential for the creators to spice up such a predictable ending. This also isn’t the most solid series, so a straightforward ending also doesn’t seem to have much success.

13 thoughts on “Macross Frontier – 22

  1. I didn’t really pay attention (need to watch it again) but didn’t Luca say that it’s because Sheryl’s condition has deteriorated that her voice developed a power like Ranka’s? Basically, she can’t be cured… though I suppose eventually there’ll be a way to heal her (unless she gets killed off, a la Guld in Macross Plus, but I somehow doubt that). Alto decided to stay by her side until the very last moment, which is why he didn’t desert along with the rest of the SMS force.

    As for Ranka’s past, it’s probably important in finding a way to deal with the Vajra and maybe with Sheryl’s disease. I’m not holding my breath for a very exciting (story-wise) ending, though, but seeing how Frontier played with various Macross themes and tropes, Kawamori may have some surprises up his sleeve.

  2. Hell, I just want to see if Ranka can make me like her again. I think I might actually be switching allegiances to Sheryl after 21. :/

    Getting to see Alto kicking Brera’s arse wouldn’t go amiss either. Or at least some form of MASSIVE HUMILIATION.

    I am easy to please, oh yes I am.

  3. Dude. D’you really think Alto will stay with Sheryl with the way Ozma hammered his words onto him? Alto will pull do a 180 and go screaming RANKAAAAAAAAAA at the very last minute. You’re on the right track, don’t get distracted now. You know Kawamori will do anything to make his Ranka puppy happy!

  4. @ Mannibo, dude, i do believe that alto will stay by sheryl’s side, when klan told him
    (translated from episode 22 raw)
    “Klan: I should have told him I love him earlier. The both of us should have. We have always hidden it
    Alto: Klan
    Klan: but I don’t want you to be like us. About Sheryl…”

    that last sentence proves that klan knows that alto has feelings for sheryl but he obviously is gonna hide it, due to the issues…on their planet, when ranka left she yelled at him ” i loved you…” alto didn’t followed her…or had some kind of impact expression like…i love you too…or i like u or anything…but idk…maybe…macross frontier is going to give us some twisted end…but for NOW it looks like sheryl has alto’s heart -.-

  5. i somehow do not think that Klan knows about Alto’ s feelings for sure, she presumes it. only person who knows what he feels is Alto himself and i must say that i’m totally frustrated at his indescisivness.

  6. Ilsa : “i somehow do not think that Klan knows about Alto’ s feelings for sure, she presumes it.”

    If that’s the case, then half the cast in the series presumed everything about everyone. Sometimes, the characters watching in the sidelines provide more insight to the story than the people directly involved. 😉

  7. An Alto and Ranka pairing would completely wreck the Alto and Sheryl parallels they have been drawing to Alto and his Mother and Klan and Michael.

  8. If Alto is seeing his mother’s state in Sheryl then that’s more reason why we won’t get a SherylxAlto conclusion.

    AltoxMother = AltoxSheryl. What the?

  9. Anomaly: It’s the idea of Alto losing the person he loves like him losing his mother without doing anything, much like what he’s doing now when he’s basically watching her sing… to her death.

  10. I got a sure feeling that alto will go where ranka is and sheryl will come too and the ending will set at the planet where ranka and brera saw at the ending^__^ I doubt that alto will choose any of them(hate it if this happen) Like Ozma said alto’s feelings change according to the situation. Alto no BAKA~! ;P

  11. because if they don’t follow ranka nothing will happen on that frontier and it seems that the manager has some plan of following ranka and brera too, urrgghhh~!! can’t wait~~

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