Letter Bee – 46

“Don’t bother chasing him. He’ll have no chance of getting in our way.”

Dude… no. Just no.

Overall, this episode was quite solid, but I feel that the creators could have taken more risks. The result is a lot of cliches that you usually see when a story is nearly over: once morally ambiguous villains turn evil, good guys who were tempted by the dark side turn good again and due to the absence of any sort of development from the government itself… it has turned into a good versus evil story. Bummer.

Now, it’s not like this episode was bad or anything. I mean, Cabernet versus the capital, this has been built up for an entire season now, so it was going to be obvious that the climax would focus on this. Lawrence’s decision to sacrifice the ones who didn’t become a spirit also has a perfect explanation when you look at the way he’s willing to sacrifice in order to get to his goals, even though he originally probably didn’t intend to sacrifice them. I’d just wish that he didn’t make it so easy for Gauche to choose which side to join.

And as for the lack of any info on the capital, it’s an interesting twist in any case. The fact that we don’t know anything about them is definitely left up to the imagination of the viewer. We can sort-of imagine why they made the decisions they made, but I like how it’s still anyone’s guess as to who they exactly are. So yeah; last episode: don’t ruin that by turning them into stereotypical evil overlords or something.
Rating: (Enjoyable)

2 thoughts on “Letter Bee – 46

  1. Haha, well noticed (hence my use of “RIIBASU” on the forums).

    Yeah. I facepalmed in quite the terribly violent fashion when Lawrence pulled the most stereotypically cliched “bad-guy” move on earth: “Let him go.”

    The sudden bouts of maniacal laughter did NOT help. Someone please tell me none of this was in the original manga…

    That said, Cabernet vs Yuusari Central itself isn’t exactly the most exciting development imaginable, since it will probably focus on action scenes in the absence of original manga from which to draw character relationships. And we all know action scenes are not exactly the strong point of TB.

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