Letter Bee – 17

What an adorable episode. Lag has cried for God knows how many times by now, but this was the first time at which it actually got to me. While it’s of course not good for a series to try and bang its head against a wall until it gets through, but I really feel like Letter Bee has gotten much better and consistent compared to the first thirteen episodes. The past month, we’ve seen what? One flawed episode and three very charming ones? That’s a huge improvement.

Now, I haven’t seen the OVA or anything, but was this story really what it was about? I expected something more… central to the plot, but instead neither the plot nor the characters are of any importance to the main plot or cast, or it’s very unlikely that they do. The only link is that they were very friendly with the current Head Bee and we actually saw something of him in his childhood.

In any case, Darwin surely was one awesome geezer of a Dingo. This episode did such a terrific job in characterizing him: without making him talk or show any obvious signs of his backstory, the people around him all shed light on his affections for his late master. I especially loved how despite being more than 100 years old, he still managed to outrun Lag, and save him from plummeting to his death.

Now then, the big problem in the future of this series is obviously going to be that it won’t be good if it closes off at 25 episodes, like most other series. Not with the amount of time that was not spent on the main plot. Episode 25 is currently 8 episodes away and while the fillers are nice, there’s hardly any time left for the main storyline to unfold.

I can only foresee a disaster of an ending if the creators indeed plan to end this show in two months…
Rating: ** (Excellent)

2 thoughts on “Letter Bee – 17

  1. Apart from a few scenes (no real need for the Gauche flashback scene) the events of this ep was basically the same as the OVA.

  2. When it’s about dogs, I’m like a baby…
    I cried myself out watching this episode, it was the first time I felt the same feelings as LAG…

    ps:. it makes me remember “Hachiko: dog story”…in which I cried likie there was no tomorrow…since my dog is from the same breed [akita]

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