Letter Bee – 13

This was going to be an important episode for this series. Heck, it’s Studio Pierrot. I should have known that they were going to include fillers. This episode really was the chance of the creators to show that they can tell a story. And really, they did it.

I was actually very afraid when i first heard that both the previous and this episode are fillers. However, if all of the fillers are as enjoyable as this episode, then I don’t have anything to complain about. It’s strange how the random stories for this show don’t seem to work alongside the main storyline, but when they’re simply used to flesh out the characters and the setting, then I admit that they’re quite charming. Nothing special of course, but what the heck, I enjoyed it.

I’m really going to have to change my mindset while watching this series, though. At the start, I was really expecting a continuous story where the random stories would only end up getting in the way. Still, I guess that this episode had its charms. The series turned out quite a bit more childish than I first thought it would be, and there are times at which the details just don’t make sense, but this episode did its job in keeping me entertained. It was quirky and charming, and especially Steak in the background was hilarious to watch.

Fillers an sich aren’t bad. Himitsu The Revelation had lots of them, and yet all of them were inspired. The fillers in Tsubasa Chronicle 2 also were very enjoyable (YES I LIKED IT!!). They only get bad when they’re uninspired. Which, unfortunately, happens a lot. The thing that Letter Bee is going to have to take care about is to properly balance them inside the series, and to not overdo them.

PLEASE, don’t overdo them!
Rating: (Enjoyable)

5 thoughts on “Letter Bee – 13

  1. The problem in Tsubasa wasn’t the fillers (although a lot of them did get annoying, but the way Bee-Train handled the manga episodes. The only bit that had been handled OK in Tsubasa 2 was Kurogane’s past (while the rest of Rekord was a disaster). Tsubasa 1 had horrible pacing problems (besides being utterly kiddified in ways I can’t comprehend looking at other BeeTrain series).

    …and I was grave-digging because I’m catching up on everything I haven’t watched since before Winter began, and I love reading your posts after seeing an episode. Entschuldigung!

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