Letter Bee – 09

Well, Lag is a bee now.With a bit of luck, the introduction should now be over and the real story should start. It was a bit embarrassing to hear him claim to want to become the best Bee ever. While I guess that he has been majorly influenced by Gauche and all, but all I could think of when I heard that was Naruto and Ash Ketchum. And that’s a direction I definitely don’t want him to go into. O.o

A majority of ths episode was spent on a really long flashback, that didn’t really tell us anything we didn’t know already. At least, nothing major. It did raise a few subtle questions: why did Gauche change guns? Why did he want Lag to have his old gun? Where did he get such an expensive and unique gun? And why was all important information that would explain all of these questions conveniently left out of the flashback, even though those fragments are meant to be from his soul? Oh, and there seems to be some sort of organization that plans to overthrow the goverment, but yeah: every show has those.

Also, more crying! Sylvette reveals why Gauche became friendly with Lag: Lag reminded him of Sylvette. These two should enter crying competitions, seriously. I also feel that this series is using its soundtrack a bit too much. What I mean by this is the following: in this episode, it yet again wastes a bunch of beautiful tracks during relatively unimportant scenes. If the soundtrack for this series is big, then there’s no problem, however I fear that those tracks are going to lose their impact when they’re played too often.

I may be overly negative right now, but this wasn’t that disappointing of an episode. Uneventful is a better word. Unlike many other series, I really feel that Letter Bee has potential, but there’s no way for me to know for sure whether it’ll be able to deliver in the end.
Rating: (Enjoyable)

2 thoughts on “Letter Bee – 09

  1. The great thing about these two huge crybabies is that they both are far from helpless especially Sylvette

    who pretty much took out a huge bull/beast thing all by herself which totally shocked Niche and Lag.

    But it was really great seeing how they both keep telling each other not to cry while both bawling and cute when the laugh at each afterward.

  2. Well, the stuff about the gun really isn’t that important. Gauche is going up in the world so he needs a new gun. He paid for the last one with his earnings I suppose, and since he was pretty sure Lag would come someday to be a bee and would need a gun he just told Sylvette to give him the old one. Nothing important story line but that part you dismissed becomes rather important later….

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