Letter Bee – 03

As your typical shounen-series, we’ve now gotten to the point in which Lag is going to have to take the examinations of the Letter Bees. This isn’t bad at all. Although overused, even the best shounens as Hunter x Hunter used it, with a number of great results. As long as Lag grows beyond the crybaby that he currently is, there shouldn’t be that much of a problem.

In the meantime, we learn what’s going to set Lag apart from all of the other Letter Bees: he’s going to have a human Dingo. The creators just keep hinting at this, so something really weird is going to happen if this isn’t going to be the case. It’s really standard shounen stuff again: the lead character comes across a cute girl, he helps her and somehow she’s thankful enough to become his companion. Again, while this is definitely annoying, as long as the rest of the series makes up for it, I guess it’s a good enough for setting up the story. And really, I’ve seen many, many series who did this premise worse than what we saw in this episode.

What I found interesting in this episode was how we basically glaze over the past five years, and yet we know that Lag hasn’t been sitting still. While the camera was off,he studied hard to be accepted as a letter bee, and he even met a bunch of them, including the one who likes to eat, whose name turns out to be Connor. I like how the creators made it seem like Connor was going to be a dumb stereotype through the OP, yet he had an actual personality when he shows up.

Also, what is up with the names in this series? “Lag Seeing”? “Niche”? “Love Someone Down”? Ah well, I can imagine how this could be a stylistic choice. The only real complaint I have about this series is the following: based on the architecture, while people don’t live in luxury, they don’t seem to be that poor. Is Lag really the only one who felt sorry for her? Were there really no passers-by who felt sorry for her as well, and tried to help her out?
Rating: (Enjoyable)

8 thoughts on “Letter Bee – 03

  1. Were there really no passers-by who felt sorry for her as well, and tried to help her out?
    – perhaps it was because there was something different about her that’s why other people hadn’t been minding her.

  2. The Letter Bee world is one of struggling, even if it may not look it – after all, there is only one sun and it is stuck above the nobility.

    There’s a certain sense of haunting oppression throughout the series, so it’s unsurprising Niche, a suspicious looking girl, was left to her own devices.

  3. Tampering with letters could be illegal. She was chained there, and it was only because Connor gave a note to Lag to give to the train station that he could leave with her.

    I am way more curious about how they’re supposed to grow crops in a land of nearly total darkness, with one oversized light bulb above a city. Even if they have some way to use geothermal energy to keep from freezing, they have an awful lot of pizza and apples for their setting.

    I think Tegami Bachi’s strength lies in its fairytale visual style more than anything. If the manga were a full color graphic novel, then I’d snap that up.

  4. Im not watching this series(yet).



    This guys name is “Lag”??

    And he is a courier?

    Thats hilarious!

  5. Im not watching this series(yet).



    This guys name is “Lag”??

    And he is a courier?

    Thats hilarious!

  6. The dbl post was caused by the checker app tossing out two “9”s of different shapes, me entering them correctly, it claiming I entered incorrectly, and me clicking the back arrow to enter again. Apparently it posted the first post and gave an error, or it held the first post in cue and posted both at the same time. Unfortunately I cant see the time stamp.

  7. @m, considering Amberground obliviously not earth perhaps they a different method of gathering crop.

    Let’s not forget the Cambel Lotus is also a haven pirates who probably steal from the capital and other well-off towns in Akatsuki and trade that inexachange for shelter,

  8. Hmm, it’s true that the events were typical of a shounen series, but as you had rate it enjoyable, I was smiling and chuckling the whole time. It’s pretty…different, in my opinion. I mean, with the underwear thing. It was pretty odd, but somehow, I appreciate this than just something to laugh about, because in reality, Lag is 12, so I like how the conversation was something believable for young pre-teens to talk about xD I expected Niche to be a harder nut to crack, though.

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