Despite the fact that my favourite character is gone now, the quality of this series hasn’t deteriorated at all. This episode was an excellent build-up for the upcoming climax, and it’s promising to become an awesome one. I especially liked how Jean finally got some quality screen-time for himself, now that he finally finds out that he tried to stand in the way of Cosette’s happiness by separating her from Marius. So, what does he decide to do next? Protect Marius at all costs!
And Gavroche is really worrying me at the moment. Something is about to happen to the guy, and he’s the exact reason why children shouldn’t be fighting in a war, even though they could: he really sees the entire battle as a game, and he wants to have fun with it, next to the others, who are fighting for their ideals and families. This episode also shows four of the guys who are fighting returning to their families to protect them, rather than helping the guys at the barricade.
And Javert! I’m liking the guy more and more. He started out as a rather one-sided villain, but lately he’s been making an impact every time he appeared. I like how he’s smart enough not to struggle back when he was found out, and just stood there quietly while tied up, waiting for his comrads to arrive with the cannon, and I especially loved the ending of the episode, where Jean and Javert met each other face-to-face, with Javert not being able to do anything. The crimes that Jean committed may have been smaller than what people are currently doing with the revolution and all, but I still think that out of all people, Javert wants to catch Jean the most.
On a side-note: has anyone heard anything about any plans for another World Masterpiece Production for 2008? If there were plans, they should probably have to be announced within the next month. It would be awesome if Nippon Animation was going to try and continue the tradition it set thirty years ago, because their works are seriously top-notch.]]>
Is it me or is Gavroche much more childish here than he was in the book?? =/ The only episode I actually watched was 41, so I could be wrong, but from psgels’ descriptions he doesn’t seem to be as mature as his book counterpart…But it could just be me imagining things XP Thank you for doing this for us, psgels ^^ I really hope they do Gavroche justice in the episodes to follow. *crosses her fingers*
Well, I of course haven’t read the book, so I’m not sure, but from my perspective, Gavroche is really portrayed like a child. He’s grown into a tough kid who can take care of himself, and he desperately wants to prove it no matter what. He didn’t really strike me as mature.
Yes, thanks psgels. You have done a really wonderful work and thanks to you we can communicate and give our opinion. I just love to do it! I think just as you said, that Gavroche is portrayed like a child. I won’t say anything about the book cause you haven’t read it. Personnally, I’ve read it not very long ago . If there hasn’t been this anime, I would’t have read it. I prefer, by far, watching the anime series than reading books. But Gavroche really seems to be a child and seems to have fun in fighting for the revolution. But revolution isn’t a game. Do you think he’ll see Cosette again? I really don’t know if he will. It would be so great if he did. I expected him to when he delivered Marius’ letter. Anyway, it’s hard to say. Now it’s interesting to see what’s going to happen to all these characters.
By the way , my favorite character of all was Eponine too. Not only of this serie but also of all the anime series’ combined. It’s sad that we can’t expect to see her again. But I really hope it will keep on being interesting!
Gavroche in the anime does remind me a bit of the Gavroche from the musical, since they chose to make him younger in it. How old is he in the book? Thirteen? Fifteen? Based on the first episodes with Gavroche and Cosette, I’ve calculated (psh I sound so smart *eyeroll*) that they are no more than four years apart. I have no idea if Cosette’s sixteen or eighteen by now, but in either case, Gavroche would be somewhere between twelve and fifteen. In the musical, he’s more like nine or something. Anime Gavroche seems to be some sort of an amalgam of the two (book & musical), which is a bit awkward.
I only just watched this episode today – I’ve been a bit behind – and I’m dying to know what Enjolras and Javert are saying to one another during that one-on-one conversation. Can anyone provide a rough translation? It sounds like Javert’s finally being in character and snarking at Enjolras but I can’t be sure. XD;
Yay, someone subbed it! Check it out on under glaciereater.