Now that the characters have received a healthy dose of attention, it’s now finally time to develop the plot and setting some more. Both Thenardier (who has escaped from prison) as les Amis (what are they trying to do, actually? Start a revolution for equal rights? I failed to pick up the exact details for this, unfortunately) have started getting active again, and meanwhile, Javert is still searching for his Jean.
Gavroche surprised me when he suddenly rescued his father. The scene could have been build up a bit better, as we see no real signs of him, planning to do anything about what he heard from Montparnasse, but it was definitely interesting to see him do something nice for Thenardier. He’s beginning to become something like a Jean II, with the two kids he’s taken care of. Are they really his own brothers? Were they born once Cosette left, or something?
Anyway, there was one theme that was heavily present in this episode: poverty. Cosette sees people getting sick, and living with absolutely no money, Gavroche had no money to begin with, and I assume that les Amis are also acting against poverty. And let’s not forget Eponine, who unfortunately appeared in only one short scene this episode.
The next big thing that’s coming is probably Thenardier, finding out about Jean’s and Cosette’s location. He came really close this episode, and out of all possible houses, he picked Jean’s house to go and rob.]]>
I’ve been super behind lately. Probly gonna start watching again once they get to the super spoiler part. With the Amis and Marius. Yeah.
*doesn’t wanna spoil…*
I need to stop neglecting my shows, even if it is for the sake of resting and school-related crap. And I’m still pissed off at my ex-boyfriend, who began to hate me due to a mild obsession with Les Mis (and all my other obsessions too, but that’s a long story).