Well, if this isn’t building up, then I don’t know anymore. Seriously, this episode gives a new meaning to the phrase “nothing happens”. Through the course of the episode, the characters keep getting chances to meet each other, and they keep missing these chances. The Thenardiers have buggered off for the episode, and even Eponine has only two seconds of airtime! Basically, the entire episode was about Cosette, nearly missing a reunion with Marius, and Gavroche actually seeing Jean and Cosette pass out bread to the hungry children, but not RECOGNIZING them.
Les Miserables is probably the only anime nowadays to come with such an episode. The events mentioned above may not have been the most exciting, but something tells me that they’re building up for something amazing. I actually expected the series to come with some kind of major climax in episode 26, but apparently the creators have different ideas.
Still, luckily there were more events going on than just that, which made this episode worthwhile. We get introduced to a huge wooden elephant, which has been discarded since Napoleon buggered off. Gavroche decides to make it his home-base, and the amis also seem to have plans with it. Gavroche really shows that he’s a son of the Tnenardiers, by the way. He may have been raised by Cosette, but the past few episodes have shown that he is very good in getting things without any money. But because he spent a lot of time with Cosette, he learned to care for his companions, or the other street-children.
Jean and Cosette also had each an important scene. Cosette, for the first time, starts to doubt Jean, because he refuses to go back to the park. This makes her think back of the time when he had to flee for Javert, and she also starts to wonder whether the reason for Fauche-les-Vent to change his name (Fauche-les-Vent apparently was fake) was because he was some kind of criminal. She forgets this immediately, but it’s quite an important event for the future, if I had to guess. Meanwhile, Jean, while outside with Cosette, sees a parade of policemen, transporting a carriage of some miserable-looking prisoners. They make him think back at the time he spent in prison, and he reckons that if he gets caught again, he’ll probably die in prison.
Like I said, if this isn’t building up, then I don’t know anymore.]]>
In fact she wonders why Valjean changed his name to Fauce-le-vent if I remember correctly.
Ah, in that way. I wonder why Fauche-le-Vent would want to change his name in the first place. That indeed makes more sense.
What ports do you use?
(For Share.)
For me, it seemed to work for any port, provided that I had it forwarded on my router, and that’s the key to making it work. For more information on port forwarding, you could visit this site:
And hope that your router is among them.
Yeah, this episode was slightly disappointing. I can’t seem to figure out who the two other Amis who joined Courfeyrac this episode were, but at least we’ve met Grantaire. Also, I think the only reason the Amis were at the elephant was so Enjolras could explain why there was a giant freaking elephant statue in Paris. xD Backstory and all that.
It looks like it picks up considerably next episode, though. That’s good. 😀
From the previewehs on the website, it looks like the next episode‘s gonna be mostleh filler. But, then again, the episode previewehs tend to almost exclusively focus on Cozy and Jean….
‘Ferre’s showing up again, though. That’s reason enough for me to keep watching. xD
does ne one know where i can watch or buy this whole seriese because i can only find 1 – 5