I just realized, the second part of Les Miserables is basically one big cat-and-mouse game between Javert and Jean. I also kept misspelling Javert’s name, sorry about that. In katakana, Javert just sounds too much like Javell. In any case, this time Jean and Cosette find shelter inside a wooden shed, on the ground of the local monastery, after using one of the ropes to climb over the walls from the previous episode. In there, Jean runs into the guy he helped a number of episodes ago, when his carriage collapsed on top of him. I never expected that that scene actually got featured into the OP for a reason.
Also, you have to love Cosette. For such a small girl, it had to be a hugely tiring journey, fleeing from the police, in the middle of the night, running quite a distance and getting carried over a wall, and she still doesn’t complain. In fact, she even helps Jean when he loses control of his hat, right above the head of Javert when she grabs hold of it. And yet, when he’s about to leave her alone, she shows signs of anxiety. Because of her time with the Thenardiers, she learned to withstand the hardest of beatings, but when it comes to loneliness, she’s as helpless as any other child of her age. ^^;
Also, even though the two of them have been able to find shelter for the night, they are going to have to leave soon. Javert has already attempted to inspect the monastery, though the head sister refused them, even though she knew that the person called “Jean Valjean” had trespassed on her terrain. Because of this, she asks the salesman to make them leave as soon as possible. I assume that she’ll alert Javert if they don’t. The salesman then comes with the idea of transporting Cosette and Jean in a coffin. Even the police don’t dare to look inside of these.
That’s only going to make the next episode even more interesting, as it does mean that Jean and Cosette will be completely dependant of the guy who transports them, since they can’t do anything inside one of these coffins. I can see Javert becoming crazy enough to think that they might have actually used the coffins to get away.]]>
Nice reviews! I’ve only been able to watch a few episodes of this anime – wherever do you find it?
She finds it on Share. You can alsa find it on http://www.mncast.com/mainFrame.asp?mainSubMenu=%2Fsearch%2F_xmlhttpSearch.asp&stSearchType=1000&stSearch=%B7%B9+%B9%CC%C1%A6%B6%F3%BA%ED+%BC%D2%B3%E0+%C4%DA%C1%A6%C6%AE .
Yay for Korean fansubbers, though I can read pretty much no Korean…..
Sorry, Dookers, but I remain a male. ^^;
But yeah, for me, Share and Tokyo Toshokan are my major sources of anime, though I never considered using Korean fansubs, actually. ^^;