Short Synopsis: Javell finally finds Jean’s location, resulting in Jean and Cosette, fleeing from Paris. Good: Javell Bad: Strange that Javell didn’t take the window at the side of the house into account. Overall Enjoyment Value: 8/10 This episode is more among the exciting ones in this series, compared to the heart-warming ones of the previous episodes. It was only a matter of time for Jean’s location to be found, and that time was about half into the episode. I loved duo of Jean vs Javell, during this episode. Javell, instead of using his subordinates to spy on Jean, is so determined to catch the guy that he does this himself. I liked this. A lot. The escape-scene also was a great one, since Jean doesn’t only have to think about himself, but he’s also carrying a little girl with him. His past turned out actually good for once, as because of the trials he had to endure, he’s able to easily outrun Javert and a couple of trained policemen. Even when he’s carrying Cosette, they still have trouble catching up to him. Cosette was really more of a side-character this time. We see her having a bit of fun, and finally meeting other children, but this definitely was a Jean and Javert-episode. One thing I liked about the first season, by the way, was that the Thenardiers made sure of a constant source of conflict. This is quite a bit different from the current season, which really has more recognizable conflicts. Still, something tells me it’s building up, just like the first one did. It’ll be very interesting to see where this one goes.]]>
His name is Javert, not Javell.
Oh dammit, got my names messed up again. -_-
Javert was really super crazy in this one. The scenes with him runnning around looking for Jean in a mad frenzy would be awesome dubbed.
Hard to believe his eyes can ever have expression, let alone “USO DAAA”-Shion-style wide open eyes. Oh, Snooookums…. 😉
Gah, why don’t your pics for this episode show up? 🙁 I want to see this one SO BADLY!
Oh, that’s a long story. Basically, I was looking for a new image-host back then. In the end, I found a seemingly nice one, but the site went down a few weeks afterwards, along with all the pics I had on it, and I didn’t feel like changing three weeks worth of screenshots.