Last Exile – Ginyoku no Fam – 13

Now this was a pleasant surprise, to see such a solid build-up episode from this show. These kinds of episodes are often in danger of just becoming boring for the sake of build-up, but they solved it really neatly with a great atmosphere, a small look into Gracies’ culture, and some good characterization. Plus I also really like how consistently the Russian was used here. The creators really put a lot of detail in this episode.

The characterization also really worked well here. The characters in this show are simple, but the acting for these guys is still quite genuine. Milia in particular stood out. It’s a nice touch that she can speak the language of Gracies (being a princess and all), and I think that this episode also showed off that she grew nicely.

Overall, after 13 episodes I do believe that this show is the worst out of the Range Murata Trilogy (Last Exile, Shangri-La, Ginyoku no Fam). It’s not so simple that one is just better than the others in every way, though. Last Exile had by far the best and most mature characterization. Shangri-La on the other hand had a really great plot that dwarfs the other two. At the same time I believe that Ginyoku no Fam is the best at describing its setting. This episode again showed that (also look at the detail that went into the various Gracien dishes, or how the people live there). The other two though, also had very good settings and to be honest, it does have the least interesting plot and characters of the bunch. Adding these together and it ends up as the worst, but even then I still quite like what this show has turned into. It’s just a series of franchises with a very high standard.

Just one thing… where are the men in Gracies…?
Rating: ** (Excellent)

5 thoughts on “Last Exile – Ginyoku no Fam – 13

  1. A good build-up episode for what looks to be an explosive next episode. Props to Fam for quickly seeing through Luscinia’s ploy (a tad too quick one might say) of making the provincial fleets the decoy to distract the Glacies forces from the main fleet probably led by Luscinia himself. He really showed cunning in getting those troops from the conquered nations, whose loyalty are not so strong, to be the sacrificial pawn in his plan of conquering Glacies. I suspect that while that fleet is getting slaughtered by the small but highly mobile and technologically advanced Glacies forces, Luscinia will probably be approaching the Glacies capital.

    On another note, although the characters are more developed and fleshed out compared to earlier in the season, I still cannot get past my dislike of Fam. I guess its something built in me that simply despises characters with that kind of personality.

  2. there are no men in gracies, because this show is for dudes who want to see pre tween girls getting naked or in “compromising” situations or getting some yuri fantasies stirred up.

  3. I’m no Russophone, but I felt the Russian voice-acting sounded really good. I like how Millia has to interpret. Not only is it a nod to her royal upbringing, but the language barrier adds to the Glaciesians’ mystique.

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