Haha, Tatiana actually returned here. It’s great to see small hints of how the different members of the original cast of Last Exile have ended up, while at the same time this doesn’t detract new viewers from the experience.
This episode perhaps wasn’t as serious as the previous two, it still really showed that this show knows what it’s doing. This episode showed the characters from their lighter side. The first half was all about fleshing them out, and it did that really well. It showed the characters having a random meal, or making a bed, or doing maintenance work. All those details contribute to making this setting come more alive.
Also, this episode explained to me why they chose Fam as the main character: she’s very energetic and positive, and this transfers to the people around her. My big fear was that Gonzo would turn this into some sort of weird copy of the cast of Sky Girls, but thankfully these characters have a lot of personality, and despite the childishness, it makes them fun to watch. I like how even the people on the ship she tried to attack didn’t act like random goons, but were actually interested in her.
Rating: ** (Excellent)]]>
May I also add that Fam was WAY out of her league in attacking the Silvius?
Oh, and it’s funny how Tatiana pretty much gave Dio the cold shoulder. It’s like their roles were reversed from the first season, where it was DIO instead who was ignoring everyone who wasn’t Claus (and pretty much doing whatever he wanted in the Silvana).
Was really good to see FAM and her K-On-cum-SkyGirls refugees get their asses handed to them by the old (better) crew!!
I still wanna see Claus, or as Dio would say, “Imellman!!”… don’t think it’ll happen, but there’s still hope in me.
Loved the episode!
He may not but I’m hopeful too, with Alvis clearly returning since she’s already in the OP, I think that actually raises the odds for Claus and Lavie eventually showing up, the three leads seem pretty inseparable so even if Al shows up first I’m thinking Claus and Lavie might follow her and give a surprise entrance later in the show.
Have to jump on the wagon here… Would love to see Claus, Lavie and Al again. Heck, even Mullin and Dunya too, and all the kids they got.
Theres just 1 thing.. In Last Exile, Tatiana’s eye color appear dark greyish, while in Last Exile 2, they appear light blue?
Please correct me if I’m wrong on this, cause I am a little colorblind.
yes… I notice details like this… >.>
I’m quite embarrassed to say this, but I squealed out loud in joy when they showed some old faces back. Seeing Tatiana, Alister and that helmsman (who I think was one of the former mechanics) in action really gave me a huge dose of nostalgia. When Tatiana gives Fam some schooling on how to pilot a vanship, I found myself shouting at my monitor, egging Tatiana to give the so called “genius” pilot in this series a lesson lol. Poor Dio though. Looks like Tatiana still doesn’t like him very much ehh?
About the episode, I have to say that the first half of the episode felt a tad bit too forced trying to show how Millia seems to have fit in with Fam and Giselle’s family. Although I did enjoy seeing Giselle trying to fathom Sylvius’s specs based on a blurry picture that Dio seems to have obtained through ‘questionable’ means, I found myself wishing they would get on with the operation to capture Sylvius already throughout that part.
The second half was definitely much better. Dio telling Millia not to touch the levers (because they were Luciola’s), Tatiana giving flying lessons, the use of the listening posts to navigate after Fam tried to blind the bridge etc. was just awesome. Still, some of the plot points right now don’t make much sense. I mean, why the heck is Tatiana ordering Fam to capture 15 Ades ships to regain her freedom? Will Fam, Giselle, Millia and Teddy stay on the Sylvius then from now on? I guess I’ll just have to wait for the next episode..
A great episode, the first few scenes were okay but nothing special, and yeah I just don’t like the charlie angel hair’d servant, but I loved the scene with Giselle trying to figure out what the ship was like from the blurred photo, like solving a puzzle, and it was great her later figuring out Dio’s cryptic comments.
The episode really got under way with the attempted capture of Sylvius, I loved the attack ploys, despite it not working.
It was good to see that Fam and Giselle don’t win this one, but of course gives the two more scope to learn and grow under the guidance of veterans!
The scene with Dio asking Millia not to touch the controls was a touching moment. Ah Dio…
I don’t remember Tatiana much, I have a memory like a sieve, so I went back and reread the descriptions of the episodes on wikipedia. I’d never paid much attention to the names of the episodes, but it is cool how they found a chess move related name to suit what happens in each episode.
I look forward to the next episode