And then there are these kinds of episodes, which are completely awesome, go against the childish nature of this series, are full of eye candy and are the full proof that Gonzo haven’t lost their touch. I mean like whoa, Gonzo. How much eye candy can you put into one episode anyway?
I know that I said at the beginning of this season that there would be no other series that would beat Guilty Crown in terms of graphics, but I’m going to have to retract that. The only thing at which Guilty crown is clearly superior is its character animation. Last Exile however just completely blew it out of the water in terms of background art and CG. Where Guilty Crown can’t get further than a bunch of sparkles here and there and futuristic backgrounds that all look like each other, the creators here stuffed a ton of different designs together. The vanship animation was just utterly gorgeous as well.
Also, Giselda. I’m not sure what it is about her, but she is wonderful in her role as supporting character, and this episode made her even better. She makes mistakes, but that’s the great thing about her: she’s not perfect, but the way in which she’s trying her best is just wonderful. With Fam being who she is, she needs someone grounded in reality. She actually realizes very much that Fam is very childish, but she accepts it and does the best she can to support her.
Rating: *** (Awesome)]]>
And the GCH train keeps on chugging.. :p
Episode line: Pretty visuals, nice cliffhanger, Sufficient amount of internal conflict.
Things will come to a head next episode.
This was a stellar episode. It had a bit of everything, and it finally made me warm up to this series. Coincidentally, the original was also like this. It had a slightly stronger start, but it too took a long time to actually become so good that you want to see what happens next the moment the credits started rolling.
Looking forward to next week!
Such a fantastic episode!
I watched a lot of this going KAKKOII!
I love tactical battles, and this was a great one!
Giselda is my favourite character in Ginkyou at the moment, I haven’t warmed to Millia, and Fam is too cheerful and immature for me.
Giselda is smart, and knows so much about what she’s doing, she’s not someone who relies on instinct or raw talent, she really works to do well as a Navi. Fam is uber lucky to have her. This episode we really see the troubles she has, she misses her family, but still follows the whims of Fam, and you can see the doubt that she has about whether she is doing the right thing, throw in how Millia is encouraging Fam, without thinking about the consequences, I’m surprised she hasn’t broken yet and had an emo scene yet. I can’t tell if this is still on the horizon, or if Giselda will make peace with herself after an internal struggle.
The adversary forces were much more reasonable this episode. Too many of the previous encounters were of the Hogan’s Heroes vs. ze Chermans/Ewoks vs. the Empire variety …
Now this is more like it. The Ades federation finally shows they have competent soldiers who don’t keep losing their ships to some half baked plans cooked up by two little girls. The “battle” (if you can call it that) was definitely the highlight this episode. The Sky Pirates were really trapped like rats eyeing the cheese in a mousetrap with how they boldly yet unwisely charged in to capture the 8 seemingly “easy prey” Ades ships. The Ades 3rd fleet really had prepared a perfect cage for the trapped mice in that valley. Fortunately, Giselda(Giselle?) manages to think up a plan for their getaway and the Sky Pirates manage to scamper away to safety, albeit with some heavy losses.
Giselda(Giselle?) finally grows into a much better character in this episode. It was sad watching her feeling torn between wanting to go back to her family, or keep following Fam on her mission to help Millia. I also detect hints of jealousy in her with how Fam seems to be focusing all her attention towards Millia, and am feeling concerned if its just a matter a time before she breaks down. I definitely see parallels in her relationship with Fam and Tatiana with Alister in LE.
And it looks like we will finally see the Sylvius in action next week. We all know Tatiana told Millia that numbers are usually the deciding factor in battle, but I think the Sylvius is excluded from that universal truth. Really looking forward to seeing what sort of tactics our young captain will employ and what sort of powerful armaments Sylvius has up its sleeves.
I would be interesting to see how the Silvius will get out of this one. Despite being highly-advanced relative to the ships the Ades fields, it’s still one ship, and in warfare numbers will tell. Unless they play the reinforcement card (not likely) I imagine we’ll see a fighting withdrawal next episode.
It’ll be perfect to showcase some of the Silvius hidden weaponry–if it’s anything close to what the Silvana used to pack, and do recall the Silvana had stuff that can shoot down GUILD battleships, then I expect a few of those Ades ships to go down–and it’s use of vanship anti-battleship tactics (something was used to full effect in the climax of the previous Last Exile).
And gosh, Fam. How dense can she get eh? She’s so fixated at trying to help Milia out, that she’s pretty much ignored Gisey’s feelings. It’ll be only a matter of time before Gisey vents, but whether it’ll be something on the level of Alister’s (“There’s no freedom in the skies with you!”) remains to be seen.
If ‘m not mitaken they are over water, they just have to immerse and they should be safe and invisible.
they are also close to the clacies border so I think that they will get some help from them thanks to Vincents negotiations
I just have to say – I can’t watch this series. I desperately want to, but I can’t. These should not be the protagonists for such an interesting and stunning setting. It’s an insult to the numerous artists and idea-people who have come up with such fantastic concepts and wonderful art.
Why oh why can’t the protagonists be serious, thoughtful characters who fit into their setting, as opposed to silly, one-dimensional pre-teens…
I just have to say – I can’t watch this series. I desperately want to, but I can’t. These should not be the protagonists for such an interesting and stunning setting. It’s an insult to the numerous artists and idea-people who have come up with such fantastic concepts and wonderful art.
Why oh why can’t the protagonists be serious, thoughtful characters who fit into their setting, as opposed to silly, one-dimensional pre-teens…
I really loved this episode!
It seems that the gravity of the first series in coming back with this episode…
Also, that battle was intense! At least the might of the main Ades fleet is shown… The Sky Pirates barely managed out of that one!
I also love the gravity of the events such as Augusta’s anguish, the upcoming invasion of the lands north of the Grand Lake, and the predicament of the Sylvius!
Awesome episode to say at the least!
This was my favorite episode, bring on the next one.
This may shed some light to the relation between Last Exile and Last Exile Silver Wing
It seems that the Exile only arrived recently, that the Anatoray Dio mentioned is indeed Anatoray and that we will probably be seeing Cloud and Lavie. Nice