Kuroshitsuji II – 10

It’s great to see that even now the creators are still developing the entire story and coming with new twists. Last week I mentioned like this series felt like it was one of those stories in which the creators make up the events as they go along. This episode surprisingly proved that statement wrong, suggesting more like the entire series had been planned carefully beforehand.

Seriously, the twist in which it was Alois’ little brother who made a pact with Claude in order to get rid of all of the villagers was a very nice one: so Claude simply created a random reason to form a pact with Alois, blaming Sebastian who had absolutely nothing to do with it. These demons have the weirdest habits in their attempts to make their souls as tasty as possible. I also loved the reason the creators found for keeping one of the villagers alive in order to explain what happened. Also, what the heck was Ciel’s eye doing inside that maid’s throat? o.O

But seriously, though: after the initial episodes, the plot for this series turned out to be surprisingly non-linear. I mean, the plot is chock-full of fanservice, but it has been surprisingly well plotted and planned out, in order to make the story as interesting as possible. It really makes me think about whether they also have a cool ending in mind, or are just working to a scenario in which Ciel and Sebastian can live happily together.

Either way, this episode again showed how much fun the creators themselves seem to be having with this series. This episode was chock-full of those tiny details like interesting camera angles, nice ideas and all kinds of strange antics from the butlers, from yelling out loud how tasty Ciel’s soul is to pulling a bunch of film out of Claude’s servants’ eyes. Oh, and Alois returned as well… somewhat.
Rating: *** (Awesome)

7 thoughts on “Kuroshitsuji II – 10

  1. Just to clear some small things up:

    That was not Ciel’s eye in Hanna’s throat but Alois. Remember when she plucked his eye out after Claude had killed him? Or was that after the credits and you didn’t notice?!
    Seems like Hanna and Alous have their own plot going here.

    And the roll of film did exactly come from the servants eyes. I assume you didn’t watch season 1 up the the episode involving Jack the Ripper. That was also when Grell was introduced and the fact that when the Death Scythe of a Reaper ‘reaps’ somebody, the victim releases his or her ‘Death Record’, a role of film containing every event in their life, through which the person is judged.

    I would still suggest you try watching season 1 again. I understand why it’s hard (considering the random insert episodes that also plagued this season), but at least episode 5-8 and 17-24 are really worth it in my oppinion.

  2. Kuroshitsuji is awesome when the creators aren’t following the manga. The angel arc and this season are proof of this 😀

  3. Yeah, the anime was at it’s worth either when it tried to follow the manga even though it was clear they couldn’t finish that or when they were just obviously filling space that was left over.
    Many fans of the manga hate the angel arc, but I honestly liked it, mostly because the series showed real balls with what they did there.

    I even like the anime more than the manga, because it’s actually still going round and round in the treadmill. Admittedly minor characters like Elizabeth are better developed in the manga…but I would really like it if we could just arrive at some important plot point finally.

  4. Hmm, I never actually liked the Circus arc. The conclusion was okay, but the characters didn’t really interest me and it was just another sidestory without much relevance to the overall plot (except what it revealed about Ciel’s father).

    But I don’t see that one getting animated anyhow, as they would have to retcon almost every information we got in the first season.

  5. To be honest, the only reason why I read Kuro was for the art (which isn’t all that special either), so the circus arc hit all the right points for me because it didn’t give a wimp ending where everyone lived happily ever after. It’s in the circus arc that you really see how messed up Ciel is, mentally.

    Maybe it’s just me, but I wasn’t impressed by the first season at all, or by the manga much, but the circus arc ending was one of those “HOLY HELL YOU DID NOT JUST GO THERE. YES. YOU WENT THERE. AWESOME.”

    Yeah, I know it won’t be animated, but what’s wrong with wishing? :/

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