Ah, thank goodness. I was fearing that Henderson would end up ruining the entire series, but thankfully I was wrong. This episode returned back to the darker roots of this series, and was absolutely nothing like the past Marysville arc, and it’s a great thing to see that this series is attempting to go back to the quality of the first ten episodes.
In this episode, we return back to Bert, who is being approached by one of his colleagues, who’s planning to rob the place he works at. He only finds out at the last possible moment, but at that point he’s already broken into the office and stolen the key to the valuable goods of the train station, with nothing there really is to do about it. The episode ends as he is suspected to be the one to have robbed it and gets taken away. This episode really showed that Bert is very easily influenced by the sight of money, and that even though he sobered up, he still hates his current life and wants to be able to spend money on something nice. His biggest sin however was trying to involve Anne with it. She probably is the member of his family that he feels the most comfortable with, but in this episode he really overdid it.
As for Henderson… okay, I’m not going to lie. As much as I hate that woman, she really had her best episode here in which she proposed to Eggman (who looks really different with his beard and hair shaved off!). I’d love to see her move away to a different town, but it’s good enough to see that she’s going to stop teaching and instead leave things to the new teacher.
Rating: ** (Excellent)]]>
It returned back to how it used to be, I didn’t like this episode , at least the school arc was entertaining, now I find it quite boring. And actually, I rather like the character of Henderson sensei, because she’s funny, but I don’t enjoy the various altercations of Bert with his colleagues and this show has been too much centered on him till now but it should be more centered around the main character, that means Anne. I think they should let loose of all the grown – up characters , at least a little bit, and show more of Anne and her own life at the place she lives instead of making her life turning around every single person she meets or lives beside.