Konnichiwa Anne – 12

Well, there you have it: Anne’s first day at school, or 20 minutes of Anne making a fool of herself in front of her classmates. While in the original series, she was quiet in classes, she obviously didn’t have those restraints as a six-year-old. This episode was really embarrassing to watch at times, but really: it’s typical of Anne to do such a thing.

As this is one of these episodes in which Anne rambles on and on, I’m not going to translate every sentence she says, but I’m just going to summarize the main points, in an attempt to retain my sanity. The episode starts with Anne’s first day at school. She gets ready for school while at the same time trying to take care of the kids, but she’s too excited to really care about it. Horace and Edward don’t seem to be going to school as well, on a side-note.

Johanna gives Anne her lunch (an apple and two cookies). A walk to school takes about one hours, but Anne doesn’t seem to mind. When she arrives at the school, she immediately starts comparing the most popular girl to a pretty doll (yeah), after which she gets called by Henderson, her teacher, who is all excited to see her. When it’s time for Anne to introduce herself, her classmates obviously make fun of her because of her incredibly long-winded introduction-speech, and how she’s never been to school before that point (and her red hair, of course). The first class is spelling, and Anne shows that she already knows how to write down the alphabet (courtesy of Elisa).

The popular girl’s name turns out to be Mildred, whose father seems to be the mayor of Marysville. They try to annoy Anne during the break, but Anne is too busy with the new things she learned. They then try to give her a bit of a tip of how she could use Randolf(another kid in the class)’s dictionary if she ran into a word that she doesn’t know. So obviously, they pick up Randolf’s dictionary and Anne gets blamed in the end for taking it.

At the end of the lessons, it turns out that the next day history is going to be the subject (unfortunately, Anne can’t come to school that day), and the day after that is going to be a test. Because it’s Anne’s first day at school, she doesn’t have to take it, but she still takes the test seriously. Especially when Mildred pops up and tells her that the test is going to be about India’s history (instead of a simple spelling test). She gives Anne an incredibly complex book to study (which Anne obviously can’t understand).

So Anne ends up asking Eggman’s help with India’s history, and she spends the next few days trying to understand it. Unfortunately, in the meantime Noah gets sick and so Anne alternates between studying and trying to take care of Noah. So at the day of the test, she of course gets really surprised when she prepared for something completely different. Anne’s classmates are doing so-so (especially Randolf screws up), and when Anne gets her turn to try she also fails to spell “chocolate”. Mildred of course jumps in to correctly spell it, and Anne feels pretty down.

The next test is calculating, and like expected Anne has a lot of trouble with the answers (just like the majority of her class aside from Mildred, by the way). Mildred gets asked to write down the answers on the blackboard, though Anne then notices that she made a mistake (100 x 0 = 1000). Everyone in class was so convinced that Mildred could never make a mistake like that, so they didn’t even notice the mistake she made. Anne in the meantime comes with an anecdote she picked up from Eggman when she was studying India to explain why Mildred’s answer was wrong.

Because of that, Anne gets to tell the class a bit about the things she learned about India and the episode ends.

Well, that’s the World Masterpiece Theatre for you. I remember how Anne of Green Gables devoted an entire episode of Anne and her best friend, playing mother and father in the woods. It’s obviously that those things are nowhere near my interests… but it’s so incredibly charming.

And yet it’s episodes like this that really remind me why the World Masterpiece Theatre series is so awesome. There are so few series that have as detailed and colorful characters as they show here. They may be boring at times, but these anime really showed me what a wonderful genre slice of life can be.

I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t miss Porfy or Les Miserables: both two brilliant series with some incredibly well fleshed out and developed characters, and both really were unique anime. Konnichiwa Anne in return doesn’t have that overarching plot that these two had: it simply tells the story of an overly energetic and talkative girl called Anne. And yet it shows that even with that, the WMT-series can be awesome.

I’m really curious what the creators have in store for episode 13. In Porfy and Les Miserables, it both was the episode that really set the bigger plot in motion: Porfy had its earthquake, while in Les Miserables it was the point in which Jean picked up Cosette. Obviously such a thing isn’t going to happen here, but I still wonder whether the creators here have some sort of climax planned. If they have, then this episode showed no signs of it.

One issue I did have with this episode was that the animation looked off at times. Faces were more distorted than usual, it seemed. I also believe that Anne suddenly learning a lot about India was a bit overplayed, but it definitely remained charming in the end.
Rating: * (Good)
A rather uncomfortable episode about Anne making a fool of herself in her first day at school, but that’s what storytelling is: evoking emotions from the viewer.

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