Knights of Sidonia S2 – 1-2

Even after a long break its nice to see that Sidonia hasn’t lost its edge. The story is still engaging and CG robot battles dynamic. However…was the CG this bad before? I remember it took some time to get used to the CG animation of the last season but this seems especially stiff. The easy answer would be that it was the same but in the last season I became accustomed to the jerky movements and uncanny valley. If that is the case then this really is some terrible CG animation. If a free web series by the name of RWBY can avoid this then I see no reason as to why a full animation production cannot do the same.

But moving on. Season two starts with introducing us to a new antagonist who has taken over the mind of Kunato. The the nature of the takeover is unsettling and disturbingly creepy. As a threat he’s a good one with his actions and capabilities. But his personality and beliefs are too stereotypical. Mad scientist sums up his character to a T. It is questionable as to why no one is wondering why this student is suddenly inventing things out of nowhere. But it does bring in interesting developments. The assassination of the elders, the push to use forbidden technology and now a representative for Gauna who the public distrusts yet need. Not to mention the unstable nature of the chimera and her, admittedly unsettling, crush on Tanikaze. Add in the cutsy girlish voice and that she may potentially be the mutated form of the now missing Benisuzume and we have a weird new addition to the cast.

Visuals aside, the music and story are top notch. Some characters can be annoying. Especially with Tanikaze’s haremettes who don’t add much to the story besides silly antics and a romance that might not be needed. Though Yuhata does hold potential to serve a better role with her position as commander. The mecha action is bright and fast. Often combat situations remind me of the visual novel Muv Luv Alternatives atmosphere considering the unfathomable alien enemy that constantly seems to push characters to the brink of despair. Considering that particular visual novel has a slim to none chance of being adapted, it nice to see a show replicate the feel that made it a great read. So far its a very strong start to the season and hopefully they can continue the pace.

7 thoughts on “Knights of Sidonia S2 – 1-2

    1. Nope, I mean this The total eclipse anime is actually adapting a spin off of the visual novel. I didn’t think it was that bad but it could just be my in vain hopes that it would encourage them to adapt the main story.
      The visual novel is pretty highly aclaimed, even called the best VN of all time. It isn’t the best but its still a pretty good story.

      1. even called the best VN of all time

        >.>; It’s meant to troll (to put it mildly) your average renai game lover. I think the developers might have made it as a stab in the face to people who panned their renai games, although it is pretty well written and had a very good VN graphical engine in it’s time. But it’s not what it looks like from the cover. They actually censored some scenes after receiving complaints, and not for adult content. Tread with caution. I walked into it blind and got traumatized for life. XD

      2. I and a friend who I convinced both played the VNs, and as fans of character development and sci-fi/mecha, we both loved them. Now I’m just waiting for TDA to be translated, and I have to play TDA01 after my finals are done.

  1. AidanAK47
    This was an encouraging review.

    I was a huge fan of the first season. I absolutely loved it.

    I’m disappointed to hear the visuals were lacking in your opinion.

    I never found they detracted from Season One at all so if they are comparable I will be pleased enough.

    But I’m really enjoying the adaptation of the manga and the pure science fiction elements of the story.

    So, at least, you’re opening and closing remarks leave me very encouraged.

    I can’t wait until it reaches USA shores.

    1. The CGI is as good as, if not slightly better than, the first season, so you have nothing to worry. Also you can always download the episodes and then but it when it releases in the US; nothing wrong with that.

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