Kill la Kill – Up to 21

So, the past week I put my effort into catching up with Kill la Kill, hoping that it at least would show how to tell a story correctly. And yeah, as much as I’d like to stay positive here, it turned out to be yet another hit on the list of the disappointments of the past Fall Season. Not a total disappointment, mind you. Still I’m not gonna recommend this one.

However to offset all of the negative things I’m going to say next, I do have a few positive points: I like that this show doesn’t really have a clear main character anymore. Sure, Ryuko still is really powerful and sortof in the center and all, but it’s not like she got the most attention here. She spent so many episodes out of the loop, to the point where the guys from Nudist Beach and the Elite Four had to push the story forward. Episode 21’s ending also finally brought in some good emotions. Not great, but I did enjoy it. The main villain also has a great theme song, and the side characters are quirky in a way that works.

Is that enough though… let’s start with the thing that you’ll firstly notice about the second half of this series: the OP sucks. I often say OPs suck and all, but let me go into a bit more detail, because this is something I just keep hearing over and over again: THE MELODY IS EXACTLY THE SAME as every other OP out there. The way the opening starts, with the short jingle, then followed by the sound that plays over the main credits: that exact melody gets used in every single OP with only slight variations here and there. After that you have this fast-paced base while we look at the main characters: again you hear that everywhere. After the introductions, the music intensifies again while we see the main characters fighting: yet again something that has been beaten to death. I thought that Kill la Kill meant to set conventions? What’s it doing with so many dead horses here?

The good news is that the new OP IS the worst thing I found about the second half so far, however there were other things that… just did not sit quite right with me. Here is the thing: Satsuki was an interesting villain. She was built up, she stood there, having built up the school, and she had this fun rivalry with Ryuko. On top of that she had some fun underlings which made the first thirteen episodes varied, and fun to watch. In the second half, she is replaced with the main villain of this series, who in all honestly is a really boring villain. She’s just another all-powerful villain who wants to destroy the world, blah blah blah. However, the biggest problem is that she only has one underling. So for like, the past eight episodes we had to watch mostly fights against her and that underling. There’s only so many times that you can show them easily pwning the good guys until it gets boring, especially when all these fights are so one-sided. Every time they’re scratched they just pull these magical life threads out of their asses (or boobs in this case) and they’re completely fine as if nothing happened. Once or twice this is fine, but they just keep doing that.

I know I’ve gotten more cynical, but here’s one thing that also bothered me with especially the past few episodes that’s something that I’ve hated ever since I started this blog: brainwashing. Ryuko is reduced to a mere shell who doesn’t think for herself at all, she’s not responsible for her actions, she is just this big robot who is nearly invincible until she’s saved by rules that are conveniently very loose. And she gets brainwashed twice. And I get that she’s losing control of her emotions and sanity. That was built up. What wasn’t built up is her suddenly becoming the slave of the main villain.

Kill la Kill was fun because it kept us entertained for every episode with over the top action scenes that knew how to be fun and varied, using the backdrop of clothing as their setting and symbolism, but to me it seems like the second half just needed half the episodes, and the characters have been running around naked for a bit too long now, not really knowing what to do. I mean, I did not hate these episodes or something, but I noticed quite a few points at which I was just bored by what was going on… did I really make the right decision to prioritize this series over the new season of Hajime no Ippo?

55 thoughts on “Kill la Kill – Up to 21

  1. To be fair you wouldn’t have had a lot to write about with Ippo. It’s pretty much the same story. It’s still good but it would be hard to say something new about it.
    I at least appreciate that the opponent boxers are getting better. There was a point were the other boxers just became too damn stereotypically evil.

  2. “I thought that Kill la Kill meant to set conventions?”

    Where did you get that idea? Imaishi has never been about originality or innovation. Everything he’s done, thus far, has paid homage to something retro with his usual style over substance formula. TTGL, PSG and KLK are loaded with references and if anything, he is all about conventions: “We thought we’d go all out with the best elements from shonen manga”

    Dead Leaves = 80s OVA Birth
    Re: Cutie Honey = Cutie Honey (obviously)
    Gurren Lagann = Mecha anime from the 70s through the 90s
    Panty and Stocking = Powerpuff Girls
    Inferno Cop = Terribad 80s OVAs
    Kill la Kill = Battle shounen

    The first ED with Ryuko staring at the wedding dress implied that it was going to happen eventually, so when Satsuki was robbed of her “purity” at the end of ep 18, it was only a matter of time. If nothing else, the brainwashing scene with the juxtaposition of pleasure and borderline rape helped reinforce the 1984, Animal Farm and Macbeth allusions about contradictions in Ragyo’s fascism. On another note, Ippo Rising has turned out about as well as the previous season.

    1. I would say that Kill la Kill is homage to go nagai in general. The moment evil lady gaga showedup cemented that for me. I been getting devil man and cute honey vibes, with a touch just a touch of kekko kamen.

    2. Imaishi didn’t direct FLCL, Inferno Cop, or Re: Cutie Honey. FLCL was Tsurumaki’s beast, and that is abundantly clear if you watch Diebuster. Please don’t incorrectly attribute good anime to bad directors tia.

  3. I was never into Kill la Kill anyway, nor do I have any intention of watching it. It’s not my cup of tea.

  4. 1) I can see how seeing Nui every episode can get tiresome if you don’t like her. I personally find her entertaining as hell, especially how she dodges attacks all 2d like and shit. Nui just don’t give a fuck.

    2) I agree that Ragyo is a shit villain compared to Satsuki. I can see why people would want to follow Satsuki, whereas I don’t see why one would want to follow Ragyo, besides the fact that she is in total contol of the worlds clothing. Nothing about her character screams out to me, and I honestly don’t understand her motivation to do this all.

    3) I’ve never been a big fan of Ryuko, and these last developments didn’t help. She was just too emotional over trivial shit “I didn’t care about my dad, but I get super emotional when I find his killer!” Why? Even someone like Samurai Flamenco, the face of fucking Justice, couldn’t bring himself to care about the person who murdered his parents he never met. Her character just felt forced from the first episode, though I do find her personality to be enjoyable to watch. These latest developments just felt so cliche. Of all the stuff she could be mad about, she is mad about being a life fiber? Who the fuck cares? So far I haven’t like any of the development Ryuko has gotten, but they have all lead to some pretty badass scenes, so thats good I guess.

    With all that said, I do still find Kill la Kill to be a breath of fresh air every week, even if it isn’t perfect.

  5. Whilst it’s true that Lady Gaga isn’t a very interesting villain (yeah, I never liked the “actual” bad guys in this show either), I think Satsuki became even more interesting after she turned to the good guy side. She has the same traits, but now they’re being challenged in some good ways. Plus, Mako is love. Can’t argue about Ryuuko though. I probably dig her plights more than most people, but yeah it has gotten repetitive. Still, it leads to some awesome scenes that I find heartwarming in their bloodiness. I LOVED the ending to Episode 21 in all its violent carnage. Heehee.

    Please don’t give this a lower rank than Gurren Lagann. 🙁

    1. Why should it get the same rank when Gurren Lagann did not have most of these issues? Just a rhetorical question.

  6. I hear this whiney shit from bloggers every week. You guys simply don’t get it. KLK was never meant to be some unique plot driven story like Evangelion. It was a way to showcase Studio Trigger animation chops, choreography, and off the wall insanity. It succeeds on all 3. The only people disappointed are people looking for something that was never going to be there to begin with – and you need only read the press releases from TRIGGER before the show began to know what you were going to get, a showcase for their talent not Shakespeare writing.

    1. “You guys simply don’t get it.”

      I despise these words. Anyone who says these words lose all credibility.

      And I like Kill la Kill. So clearly you have said something very wrong.

    2. Don’t spout that bullshit and tell me it’s gold.
      If Kill la kill was a showcase of animation talent then it’s failed. You may be able to see the talent trigger has but it’s getting killed by a clearly lacking budget. Kill la Kill may be a rare breed that cannot truly be judged by story or characters much like gurren lagann. However it’s is clearly struggling to capture the magic that gurren Laggan had. Therefore when it can’t provide that same thrill it’s deserves all the attack it gets for it’s other elements. Hell, I like Kill la kill but even I cannot really deny anything psgels is saying. Ragyo is a crap villain. Ryoukos little tantrums and switching sides is cringeworthy. Though I like Nui but her battles are too one sided.

      My point is dear fellow, that I was looking for the same thing you are looking for and I am not seeing it.

      1. For animation chops, Trigger’s already proven itself with Little Witch Academia. Rather than pure animation, I’d say Kill la Kill was more of a demonstration of the studio’s talent to create a popular series as a new company and with a limited budget. Which, while not consistently impressive, is likely enough to showcase to investors that you can trust this studio to make good use of the money you’d be throwing at them in the future.

        1. I don’t quite argee. Wouldn’t Kill la kill also put off investors because it shows how Trigger can’t manage their animation budget? Give them a huge investment and they might blow it all on the first episode.

          1. No offense, but how do you get the exact opposite thought from what I just wrote? Sure, the animation in KlK gets pretty sloppy at times, but it’s not only the company’s first TV series but also a 2-cour series. I think the fact that we’re not seeing just voice-overs on text caps (you know what I’m talking about ;)) is proof enough that even if they had the shittiest budget in the world, Trigger still has a bag of tricks to keep the illusion going while fitting in consistently with the show’s atmosphere.

    3. I hear whiny comments like this all the time, but they’re no defense for a show that’s getting legitimately boring. I should know, I had no lofty expectations going in either, and just wanted something cheesy and entertaining. But even I’m getting bored now with those same low expectations. Perhaps the people who are disappointed have a point, rather than an agenda to condemn TRIGGER for not writing Shakespeare.

  7. I’m surprised your reaction to the OP was about the music rather than the animation. As limited as their budget is, the second OP was still disappointing considering it’s an OP, but was almost entirely stand-stills. That moonwalking.

  8. Yo, you don’t have to “balance positive with negative parts of what you think” most of yoru fans some here because they are inetereted in yoru opinion, youro non watered down by what other people may say about it opinion. Even thouh there are time when I don’t agree with you (like that silly nobunaga in space with stupid historical figures and every Japanese man’s wet dream happening on screen) I’d still rather see you voice them than censor yoruself because someone may disagree with you. Criticism is GOOD. it can really bring points to the front that some people have never thoght about or couldn’t articulate. if you want to praize or criticize a show, you should be able to do that 100% without feeling like you have to please your viewers.

    Hell, there were shows that I LIKED that after reading your criticicms Taught me stuff that I never thought of!

    If peolpe dont like what you say and go all Mentar on you…let them go jump off a cliff…into the baron pit.

  9. I’ve found Kill la Kill to be much better than I expected it to be, since I think TTGL is a steaming pile of shit and it’s certainly its cousin. It’s basically a childish magical girl series with the level of zaniness you can expect from that strain of Gainax’s catalog. This includes repeated encounters with a somewhat clownish, but always just out of reach villain that is core to, say, the formula of a Precure series.

    I actually think I like the later parts of the series more than the earlier parts, where the obvious training arc being run on Ryuuko by Satsuki was starting to try my patience. Even if it’s thin plot, I like plot.

    1. I think they ended her training just early enough before it got to be trying but I agree I never really saw Satsuki as the actual villain and saw it forming relatively early what Satsuki was really doing with Ryuuko, and ofcourse even moreso especially as her subordinates started getting flashbacks making them even more sympathetic and likely to be good guys. So I think it’s a bit of an odd complaint complaining that Satsuki was replaced as the villain in the second half.

      I really liked how they actually pulled through on that arc since Satsuki was pretty cool through the first half and didn’t give her a fake out reason for doing it, even if Ragyou is not as charismatic of a villain as Satsuki would have been for obvious reasons.

      I’ve been quite enjoying the show and it’s characters.

  10. The problem I have with this review is really the fact that a lot of psgels complaints don’t make any sense, because it seems less

    Psgels claims that KLK was supposed to break conventions, but the show never made such a promise, in fact its been paying homages to older anime for a while now and it kind of says a lot about your observation skills that you’re just now noticing it.

    Also the format of the series should have made you realize that the good guys weren’t going to win, if they did then the series would be over. But its not as though the heroes were held back all that much considering the amount of contingency plans they had. Also even though they didn’t they didn’t lose either as they still stopped a good portion the people in the city from getting eaten, which if Ragyo had won would have happened, and they still protected their main weapons which would have been destroyed if Satsuki had won.

    Also Ragyo doesn’t really want to destroy the world, she just wants to feed the humans to the life fibers, big difference. Also Ryuko being brainwashed, the first time, I don’t think it can count since that barely even lasted for a minute (its so short that you sound like a nitpicker for complaining about that) and the second time is explainable if you paid attention to the earlier episodes and only really lasted one episode.

    1. I think you’re missing the concept of conventions. KLK pays homage to older shows that had a certain charm to them. Shows that, at the time, were conventional; however, times have changed and new conventions have arisen.

      Psgels doesn’t claim the KLK was going to tread new territory, just that it was going to break conventions. Specifically modern conventions because it would be beyond unreasonable to expect a show to break all conventions that have ever been in place.

      The problem is that the second half has fallen into modern cliches. It feels less and less like a homage to the classics with each episode.

      1. Sure, there was the revival of the evil student council trope and the unapologetic Go Nagai style fanservice, but it wasn’t devoid of modern cliches like the Power of Friendship, introduced as early as episode 2. As for the second half, it’s pretty much lifted from the almost 20-year old Evangelion: the neglectful parent, the NERV/REVOCS comparisons, the alien invasion that leads to collectivism, the villain manipulating the MC to believe in this false happiness and the MC finally coming to grips with who he/she is.

  11. Kill la kill is good but you should be reviewing samurai and golden time instead of wasting your powers with kill la kill, it is true that sf has fallen greatly but I’m very sure that your lack of motivation is due to kill la kill, it tries too hard only to let you down.

    1. Can’t say I agree with you here. While KLK may try hard and is definitely not for everyone it mostly manages to stay entertaining, those other two (of which I am still watching) are VERY hit and miss with their entertainment. Whether you like it or not, KLK has a story it really wants to tell and I do not feel that desire from the other two. Golden Time has/had potential, but too many episodes has hurt it. If only it could have been a season and a half long or something. Too many boring things thrown among a few interesting story segments.

  12. It’s interesting to see how this debate is going.
    Personally, I just watch the anime simply because I feel entertaint by it and I don’t see anything wrong with that.

    Whether it has bone-breaking flaws I leave that to others who are far better in judging those things than me.

    I got what I wanted to see and I’m satisfied thus far

  13. regarding narrative, Kill la Kill is perhaps even closer to the older series than both TTGL and PSG.

    it is also the only one that remains faithful to its original style till the end.

    the limited animation is a reference to the manga scenes older anime used to insert and re-design, so as to convey the characters feelings. eg Dezaki’s/Sugino’s TV series.

    Only few of those traits survived in the newer series, like twitching eyes and beads of sweat on the face

    Overall, this series manages to be so light and enjoyable like the older series. but this is also something very difficult to achieve.

    A series not for everybody, but one has to recognize its worth.

    ps: take a break from Hajimme no Ippo and start Ashita no Joe 1&2.

  14. I think your newly developed cynicism is stopping you from enjoying a series which yes is flawed, but very entertaining. Why are you focusing so much of your time and criticism on an OP? It has nothing to do with the actual show and personally I just skip over the OP after watching it once, whether I like it or not. I agree that Ragyo is a very bland villain, but I think the style that encompasses her sort of makes up for her lack of depth. While Ryuko and Satsuki have mainly been fighting against Nui, these fights are still varied and entertaining in my opinion.

    You can’t look at Kill La Kill and expect it to do what Kaiba did, or any other unconventional show. I think Kill La Kill is serving its purpose as an entertaining homage to all powerful anime of the past and being fun, stylish, and a blast to watch while doing it.

    1. …except Kill la Kill isn’t all that entertaining? The deflection that “it’s only stylish, crazy fun” is pretty weak since a show attempting to meet those requirements can still fail. The action in KLK is poorly choreographed, the layouts are generic, the humor is lame, the soundtrack is unbearable…how are people getting hyped about this? Is it because anime fans are easy victims to hype and have low standards? (Yes)

      This isn’t an issue of Kill la Kill lacking depth, although I’d argue the show’s creators intended for the show to be deeper than its defenders are giving credit for. It’s that Kill la Kill is bad at what it does. When the show is no longer airing, and people are watching it for the first time without the week-long gaps, the low quality of the series will be even more apparent.

      1. Wow, toot your own horn why don’t you. Half of those points you mentioned are completely your opinion such as humor and soundtrack. If we’re talking about low standards then I can direct you to the many harem/ecchi series of the past year. While you didn’t say it directly, it can be perceived that you honestly believe KLK is no better than those. I don’t care whether it fits your taste or not, someone who has watched enough anime can tell a show that deserves some credit from the trash whether it fits your personal taste or not. KLK deserves some credit. If you can’t tell then you have no right to criticize it.

        Psgels new attitude is refreshing, but he is going too far with it. It seems the only thing that will satisfy him now are those super amazing anime we get like twice a year if that. Anime with the quality of Kaiba or Tatami Galaxy to name a couple. All I can say is good luck with that psgels.

        Anime are meant to be enjoyed. It seems now psgels watches an anime purely to figure out what it is doing wrong and why it fails. How about you try to enjoy it. Every anime has some flaws. Of course KLK has flaws, but you sound like you are just trying to bash it.

        “Still I’m not gonna recommend this one.” Honestly? A few issues you have with the second half (after greatly enjoying the first half I might add) and suddenly it isn’t worth anything. Have fun with your perfect standards.

        1. Sorry Avalon, but this is the prime example of what a bad comment is like. Why? You basically tell me how I should watch a series, and that my opinion is invalid.

          The thing with Kill la Kill is that I was trying to enjoy it, but I found my interest in it progressively waning. In the same way that so many other series did for the past year, so of course I would be pissed off.

          I’m not asking for much. Just a solid plotline and characters that take their audiences seriously. In the past there were plenty of series like that.

          1. Yea, I started ranting in that comment and I apologize for that.

            I just think that dismissing a show so quickly after enjoying it so much before is a little too much. I liked hearing your opinions when you were enjoying things a lot more so now that your attitude has evolved, I went off on you. Sorry.

            In regards to tamerlane’s comment, I still feel he was just stating his opinions like they were fact, which is what riled me up in the first place.

        2. lol. you can say my points are “completely my opinion” but they are backed up by sound observations. like how sawano’s emotionless bombast is more fitting of WWI trenches than an anime soundtrack, or how every imaishi show isn’t far removed from newgrounds flash cartoons in terms of visual wit and humor. The “it’s all subjective opinion” shtick is the peak of intellectual laziness.

          I’ve watched tons of anime, including the stuff KLK is “homaging”/ripping off. If you’re going to set harem/ecchi shows as the baseline then yeah I guess KLK isn’t as bad as those. KLK is really bad tho, and because it’s the kind of bad that results from a failed aesthetic enterprise rather than a complete lack of artistry a la ecchi shows, it offends me more. So, no, KLK deserves no credit just because it tried and failed to be a good anime.

          1. I’ve already painted myself the bad guy here so I have no desire to make it worse. I just don’t agree that KLK has failed as bad as you say it has. We’ll have to agree to disagree since neither of us is changing our views anytime soon. For example I still think the humor and soundtrack have some good points.

            I’ll say it again, KLK is not perfect and I know it, but it is still better than most of the stuff that has come out the last couple seasons.

            Just for the record, one of my main gripes about the anime is Ryuko being such a back and forth character. I wish she could be as developed as Satsuki who knows exactly what she wants and will do anything to get it. I also really enjoy the Elite Four. Though you probably have issues with all of them as well.

          2. I also disagree with you using the word “bad” here, because to me it sounds so definitive. I wouldn’t call Kill la Kill “bad” as a show at all. Perhaps it has some bad elements, but it’s still better than the average anime out there and has its entertaining moments.

            The way I see the series is that it’s “not good enough”, which is the reason why I don’t recommend it.

          3. @Avalon: I have no problem painting myself as the bad guy if it means higher quality discussion. You think the humor and soundtrack have good points. What are they? This isn’t a leading question, but something to start a discussion with. ‘Agreeing to disagree’ means avoiding having to think and back up your opinions. At which point, why even talk about our opinions at all?

            @psgels: I don’t think we should be afraid to use “bad” definitively. I mean, the existence of other worse anime doesn’t negate KLK’s overwhelming problems. If you don’t watch those ultrabad anime at all, like I don’t, then maybe KLK’s badness will become more apparent. In any case, I enjoyed your post.

          4. I’ll never understand why I have to hit reply four comments from the bottom, but whatever.

            Anyway, you are talking about being a bad guy that fights for his opinions, I am talking about a bad guy that attacks the other person for having different opinions. That is what I did and I want to avoid doing it again.

            I’m not going to lie, I’m not sure how to describe what I like about the soundtrack. The best I can do is say I like how there is quite a variety between the types of music. Such as the haunting melody of Harime Nui’s theme against the rock of Gamagoori’s theme. Also that theme that used to play when Ragyou came on screen. I guess I like how each character’s theme actually fits them instead of just forcing a theme on a character. At least they work for me.

            The humor is more hit and miss I won’t deny. For example, Mako’s family isn’t as funny and is overused a bit. My favorite comedy pretty much revolves around the banter of the elite four with pretty much anyone else.

            You mention KLK has “overwhelming problems” and I think you are blowing them out of proportion. The good far outweighs the bad imo. Even with the issues, this anime doesn’t fail to entertain.

          5. @Avalon:

            What you’re describing about the soundtrack has more to do with the sound direction than anything. I agree, the sound directors have made the best of a bad situation by not letting any individual track of Sawano’s blegh OST last too long. However the OST itself, when listened outside the show, is horrible.

  15. I enjoyed this show far more than I initially thought I would. It had traits that in the hands of a lesser writer and director the show would have gone sideways much earlier in the series. Instead it just grew and grew on me. Still haven’t figured out exactly how they managed to do it all but this is a great great start for trigger.

  16. Wow, so many unrealistically lofty expectations, high horses and pointless bashing … it’s so sad anime fans these days are either brainless fan-service junkies that live off the drivel harem and fanservice/incest/loli shows that air in a dozen every season (the type of people you find on Sankaku Complex in the comments section) .. or mightier-than-thou fans spouting crap about how everyone has low standards and expecting every show to be flawless masterpiece that meets everything in their lofty unrealistically ideal checklist of what an anime should be like .. get off your high horses and you might enjoy a show like KLK for what it is, other wise i advice you to simply move on and stop wasting your time and the time of everyone else who enjoys the show for what it is.

    Kill la kill is surely not for everyone, i can totally understand if you watched the first episode (or first couple of episodes) and then went like “meh, it’s not my thing”, but the thing is .. we are near the end of the series and if you start complaining now you clearly haven’t been paying attention and built unrealistic expectation that has nothing to do with the original intentions of the show makers .. for example .. KLK sure does break some conventions .. but it ALSO is paying homage to a lot of older shonen and magical girl shows (and i facepalm really hard when stuck up idiots can’t tell the difference between paying homage and ripping off), NOTHING .. and i say it again NOTHING says that it can’t do both .. just becasue that doesn’t meet your lofty checklist doesn’t mean it can’t be done .. prime example is when they broke the recap episode trope (ep 15) by doing a rapid montage and then moving on to the 2nd half of the series .. that’s breaking a stupid convention that needs to be broken and doesn’t affect the “homage” they are aiming for … on the other hand .. they don’t need to break useful tropes like the “Magical girl transformation” or the “big bad villain” convention because it’s in direct relation to the stuff they are trying to homage .. they did add their spin on the magical girl transformation to fit their living clothes theme and they did offer us Satsuki as an interesting villain in the first half .. but like with many other similar shows the early villains/rivals become allies and we move on to facing the ultimate end game villain who is usually meant to be an immense evil force (kinda like a force of nature .. a volcano, a tornado .. even zombies), those villains aren’t meant to have deep complicated personalities, they are just meant to give our heroes an almost impossible obstacle to overcome for our viewing pleasure .. and they stuck with that trope becasue it serves their goals.

    And by god, what is all that about the OP and soundtrack !!!!, they are doing their intended role fantastically, it’s Hiroyuki Sawano the composer of Attack on Titan sound track and he delivers, the tracks work damn fine on their own as they do work in the series blood pumping homage and crazy filled fight scenes, the outfits switching scenes from the OP are really brilliant as they tie in with the magical-girl and clothes themes .. etc etc

    Criticizing Kill la Kill is a waste of time becasue it’s not meant to be that type of series, it’s either hate it or love it type .. you either sit-back and enjoy the show for all the references, trope-breaking antics, over-the-top craziness, slap-stick humor and shameless but self-aware fan-service or you just don’t watch it at all .. anything in the middle is a pure waste of time and cringe worthy .. KLK is a mess, it’s a ton of different things, it’s not perfect it’s not ideal nor is it the next evolution of anime …
    it’s a fun ride that’s meant to viewed the way it is .. criticism or over-analysis is a pointless waste of time with this type of series.

    Take it or leave it.

    I’m off to green pastures where there are anime-fans who know how to have fun and enjoy something for what it’s worth, the cynicism levels here are becoming intoxicating.

      1. Frankly i had that intention at the start of writing my comment, but then i realized i’m pissed by the entire overtly cynical atmosphere that’s starting to permeate the blog here more than any one specific person (psgels included), so don’t take it personally.

        It’s quite sad that it has come to this but i really don’t feel like following this blog like i used to before, i owe it a lot introducing me to a lot of excellent anime i probably would have never seen otherwise, but the overtly cynical and negative way things are going makes it frustrating to hang around or read any of the reviews or comments (not just Psgels but everyone regularly commenting here), i do understand some people wanting to have a higher quality threshold to only watch the best of the best anime due to time constraints or other reasons, but when this attitude starts going overboard it turns into nit-picking, bashing and mightier-than-thou antics all which i can’t stand.

        I suppose i will be getting my anime blog needs else-where with a more positive outlook on things, i know most of you don’t even know me (i lurk around a lot but comment quite rarely) but i want to say it used to be nice being around here so see you around guys and thanks Psgels for all the effort you put in this blog.

        1. sounds like you have some growing up to do. high standards are never a bad thing and should be encouraged. frankly i don’t think anyone is going to miss your absence, given the entitled attitude you have in these posts

          i just saw that psgels reviewed & liked Zettai Shounen, which means he has my support+respect. your loss is his gain, basically

          1. The very fact you are trying to make this personal is proof enough of who has some growing up to do, and you have no right to speak for anyone .. so please speak for yourself .. your precious high standards can become pretentiousness and mightier-than-though crap very very easily.

            And since you made it personal .. well let me say that people like you are why this place has become suffocating, and what the heck does Zettai Shonen has to do with anything, sigh .. i’m just wasting my time here, enjoy your intoxicating atmosphere as much as you want .. bye.

          2. lol you say you quit this blog twice but you keep posting

            i brought up zettai shonen since b/c of blog posts like this, i was compelled to look into psgels’s previous entries. basically by adopting higher standards he got me, a good poster, to start looking into his blog while you were alienated and had a hissy fit. more proof that having higher standards in the anime community can only be beneficial

  17. Really? The second OP is a much better song that fits the more dramatic tone of the show much better. I thought the first one felt generic as hell.

  18. I don’t agree – I think Kill la Kill is exciting and I love the opening credits. I do agree that the fights between Ragyo and Nui did get dull though, or at least until the fight where Nui lost her arms!

  19. Yeah, well I enjoy Kill la Kill for what it is. I watched every episode at least 3-4 times without the novelty wearing out. And I bet that if I was to pick this up months from now, I will still enjoy it.

    Then again, some people seem to mistake/misunderstand ‘cynicism’ as ‘constructive criticism’.

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