Kill La Kill – 06

Apologies for the few posts lately, with rather weird content. I’m currently in a big introspective period. I’ve been thinking a lot about who I am, and why I watch anime. And I’ve also discovered one of the many evil websites on the web: Reddit. Right now I finally managed to be able to block this time eating thing that at the same time made me learn a lot about myself, so I should be sortof back now, though I’m still trying to figure out the best schedule that will also allow me to cover movies again.

In any case, why do I watch anime? Because of series like Kyousogiga, Samurai Flamenco and Kill la Kill. This episode was really good, despite being really boring on paper. I mean, how often have we seen an episode with this premise: “the protagonist and some mid-boss fight with each other but right before resolving anything something conveniently breaks down allowing both parties to escape unscathed”. This is of course boring, but this episode showed how far the right execution can get you.

This also showed that this show is currently developing characters for the long run. Even when ‘defeated’, this guy without eyes will continue to play a big role, probably. Ryuko meanwhile really got lucky with this, but this episode just showed how outclassed she gets when the enemies start getting cornered.

And the music! Holy crap, it got even better than what it was before. I mean, that’s what I at least assume: it wasn’t this good in the past, was it? And heck, it worked wonders: it brought out even more emotions than usual.

And with that I mean how everything comes together: characters, animation, music, symbolism, style, development, acting, personality. The creators were having a lot of fun making this, and that’s what shows. That’s what currently energizing me to watch more anime. Six episodes in and despite the simple storyline here, it remained varied and fun without any signs of slowing down.
Rating: 6/8 (Awesome)

10 thoughts on “Kill La Kill – 06

  1. As long as we’re talking about overdone premises being executed well, this episode follows a pretty standard anime formula seen a few times in this series already: the protagonist takes on an opponent, the opponent cheats/overpowers them, and the protagonist is forced to change their strategy/power up in order to win. What makes it stand out so much in this episode is that the protagonist in question is one of our villains, and Ryuko ended up being more of an antagonist, what with how sidelined her defeat of one of the Elite Four, a built-up if expected event, was.

    This got me thinking: if we saw this series from Satsuki and the Elite Four’s perspective, could Ryuko be considered a villain?

    1. There is still a lot of mystery in the show, around the whole murder, and the other half of the scissors. I wonder if Satsuki’s mother is the true villain, I feel like Satsuki herself doesn’t know much.

      Also, Satsuki’s kamui is her Bridal dress… who is she supposed to get married to?

      1. My personal theory is that Satsuki’s kamui being her bridal dress has less with whom she is to marry, but more with her maturity and state of mind.
        When you get married you have to learn to set aside your own feelings and goals and instead make new ones with your spouse in order to live in harmony.
        At the moment Satsuki is singlemindedly forcing her will on her kamui and that is draining her strength and makes her unable to communicate with it as Ryuko can with her kamui.

  2. Mother fucking Uzu is the best character hands fucking down. This was my favorite episode by far, and I love what they did with it. Normally the MC just defeats the villain and that’s it, but this guy, this fucking guy. Motherfucking boss.

    And seriously Reddit? Though I’ve been thinking too, came across this page: from Homunculus I think. Made me think a little.

    Yeah people were really loving the music, notably the one that plays during the Satsuki’s mother scene.

  3. Yeah I’m really getting into this show. I’ll admit the fanservice annoyed me for the first 3 episodes, then I started getting deeper into Gurren Lagann (which is also amazing as of episode 14), and I think I started to get kill la kill a bit more. Now, it’s one my most anticipated shows every week only after samurai flamenco (noucome is a close third, and everything else is really close behind that).

    As for the music, it has a lot to live up to as it will constantly be compared to attack on titan (best ost of 2013 so far) and TTGL itself (I’m in love with it, and I only listened to half of it lol).

  4. Yes I loved this episode. I think it was really good how the flipped it, and the one who got character development was the bad guy, not ryuko!

    I love it when the baddies are fleshed out so that we see what makes them tick, and how hardcore was his decision? Love it!

  5. I said it before and I’ll say it again proudly:
    “This show is the show that will pierce the heavens” [Kamina voice]

  6. “Apologies for the few posts lately, with rather weird content.”

    No need to apologize. I find your post last week very true and smart — absolutely an honest and insightful opinion. I like that when you refuse to go with the tide and say what you actually think.

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